So I will be making a series of submarines that have different classes based off the months of the year January is kinda the trainer of the subs and December needs the most experienced of soldiers
What do you think?
So I will be making a series of submarines that have different classes based off the months of the year January is kinda the trainer of the subs and December needs the most experienced of soldiers
What do you think?
@Sniper16 ok!
@Sniper16 well I need a idea go to Wikipedia and search submarine classes
@Sniper16 a nuclear submarine just means it runs a nuclear reactor to power it
@Sniper16 nuclear isn't a class
@Sniper16 what submarine class?
@arcues huh?
I 400 class
@Sniper16 and where do you want the flag to be?
@Sniper16 and what submarine class do you want it to be?
@Sniper16 well I use a tablet so it will be mobile
@Sniper16 well I was just gonna make them now and if I can or need to edit them later and release them over time and i don't care if I spelled it wrong
@DisferGoatzFAILURE yeah that's kinda how I was gonna do it
If you don't mind, I will put this thing about the classes:
January: New Trainers
February: Very Inexperienced captains
March: inexperienced captains
April: Somewhat inexperienced captains
June: 50/50 captains
July: Somewhat experienced captains
August: Experienced captains
September: Very Experienced Captains
October: Like a Lieutenant
November: Best Captains in the army
December : Best captains in the entire war
@CaesiciusPlanes @DisferGoatzFAILURE all right the team approves