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I don't have any ideas what to build next

17.2k GoldenEagle  8.2 years ago

I got nothing, I already finished my new tank, and will be uploaded on Friday, and I also finished a hypersonic bomber, for that plane, should I upload it? Also, I have another plane, and a car coming soon...

What to Build Next:

Flying Carrier (Will be built on a new device)
A Sattelite

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    U should make a flying carrier. Dat would be awesome. Also, I noticed you like panzer tanks, and I have some on my account.

    8.2 years ago
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    314k Gestour


    8.2 years ago
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    17.2k GoldenEagle

    @MikuKat ok then!

    8.2 years ago
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    5,078 MikuKat

    @GoldenEagle hmmmmmm
    A Sattelite

    8.2 years ago
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    17.2k GoldenEagle

    @MikuKat my current device sadly cant handle too many parts to build that, nice suggestion though

    8.2 years ago
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    5,078 MikuKat

    Build a Flying carrier.

    8.2 years ago