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BL-11 Military Vehicle | 2nd test | [Testers Wanted]

4,359 MeetThyDoom  8.6 years ago

Greetings! Thanks to those who participated in the first test for the BL-11 military vehicle. I am very happy to announce the second test for this vehicle.

Second test

Vehicle has been improved and adjusted in accordance with your feedback. The following changes are...

Reworked suspension: more shocks, links and many many more bits n bobs which make the ride ride a lot smoother. Have a look for your self! The adjustable suspension was removed as it was unnecessary and was just adding too much weight. The turning circle has also been loosened to prevent the vehicle over-turning at mid to low speeds.

Shortened hull: shortened at the back and front and that gaping hole filled in at the back. This should mean the vehicle no longer catches on terrain obstacles.

The vehicle has become a lot heavier and now weighs 47.3 imperial tons. Most of this is in the suspension so the center of gravity has been lowered and therefore preventing in-balance.


Propulsion 2x 200BHP V6 engines powering 16w drive

Top speed: 231 MPH

Advised off-road speed: 45 MPH

Weight: 47.3 imperial tons

Range: 100+ metric miles

On road performance: Good

Off-road performance: fair, 45 MPH is advised as a max speed.


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