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The pros and cons of this update...

14.2k CODENAMEBOB  8.6 years ago

-You get to see all the creations that your followers have uploaded.
-you get to spotlight stuff made by lower level users
-the forums are less of a mess
-there is now a tags section so you can search for a specific type of creation, without having to look for the tags on other creations.
-you can now make a bio for yourself on your homepage
-There doesn't seem to be a cooldown for the spotlight, which can cause for your inbox to be filled up LUDICROUSLY FAST!

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    @Gestour I'm just going to leave it alone, and not touch it.

    8.6 years ago
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    315k Gestour

    @CODENAMEBOB seems like if it were intended only for lower level users, that it would only work on lower level users. I thought it was to be used to highlight exceptional builds.

    8.6 years ago
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    @Gestour I saw other players saying that and thought that it's only for the little people... Oops. I'll edit that part out.

    8.6 years ago
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    315k Gestour

    Where do you get the idea that the spotlight feature is only for lower level users?

    8.6 years ago