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Some new race suggestions

6,470 Typhlosion130  8.5 years ago

For starters. there is a string of islands making a partial ring around the island. between bandit air port and yeager air port. low flying race through that any one?
Second suggestion. I like to call. "The Long run". It is not a high maneuvering course. however. it is a long one. it starts at wright air port. you take off. you take a left turn past the end of the runway. fly straight over the little cove. make a long turn to the right around the island. from there it proceeds to a climb to 25k feet. and then turns towards the second main island (with bandit and wright air port) you dive and flatten out going underneath the bridge beside yeager air port. you then do a simple loop around the middle of the island. going under the bandit bridge turning back towards yeager with the finish point being a low flying buzz over the runway. a race that tests your planes ability to last in a long flight as apposed to a short one.

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    @Shmexysmpilot well then either way that engine is too strong for any real racing uses :P

    8.5 years ago
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    8,106 LofiTurtle

    @Typhlosion130 yeah, because wing loading times airspeed equals maneuverability and it you have to much maneuverability the physics freak out and your plane starts twitching and eventually rips apart if you keep accelerating. High wing loading just increases the speed before that starts to happen

    8.5 years ago
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    @Shmexysmpilot so that's how it works? high wing load means better high speed?

    8.5 years ago
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    8,106 LofiTurtle

    @Typhlosion130 yeah in mod class those modded fuel tanks are allowed, I was saying it would be better in infinity class instead lol. And if you increase your wing loading you can stay stable at higher speeds, the maneuverability just gets worse

    8.5 years ago
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    @Shmexysmpilot wait modded fuel isn't allowed in modded class? I know infinity but I was reffering to modded. (also side note. after messing with my modded engien some more... i realized that its actaullly too strong. it gest you past 4000mph and you start bugging out if you manuverat low altitude at simply 3000mph... so lol)

    8.5 years ago
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    8,106 LofiTurtle

    @Typhlosion130 I know how those work, but modded fuel isn't allowed in infinity class so people would have to do it legit

    8.5 years ago
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    @Shmexysmpilot well when you're talking about infinite fuel. people make counter balance weights for those things that some how makes it almost weightless.

    8.5 years ago
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    8,106 LofiTurtle

    Well with the new power scaling it'll probably be about getting the AI to be able to fly it. I think it would be more interesting if it was infinity so people would have to carry all that fuel somehow

    8.5 years ago
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    8.5 years ago
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    @Shmexysmpilot yea I know lol. but we would get to see giant air liners flying from island to island in a race. or of coures it could just be modded and you have infinite fuel and such. if they do make this a race and make it a modded tournament... I would win... no joke I have one of hte most over powered modded engiens ever.

    8.5 years ago
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    8,106 LofiTurtle

    This would be interesting.. God forbid it's in a tourney tho or we'd be there for a week lol

    8.5 years ago