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Wut is dis!!!???

8,123 TheRedStormer  8.6 years ago

So I get of the site for about 2 hours and I have like 20 notifications and I be all like hmm wonder wat dose are from so I tap notifications and it say --- Spotlighted --- or something like that and I scroll down and THATS ALL IT IS! So I go to AndrewGarrison's page to see if there are any announcements but none yet I notice the entire page looks different so I go to my page and I be like wow dis is a bit better when it comes to more features but what about that spotlight thing? I got like 3 moe notifications and it's still spotlights! How does that work can I disable it and WHY!?!

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    I get like a billion spotlights every hour and it is a realt pain to work through them all with that bleeding upvote cooldown. It takes absolute decades

    8.6 years ago
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    8.6 years ago
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    @420elitehacker1337 um..... Okaze zen

    8.6 years ago
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    It's called haxorzzz clan!!!! Tehy r attaking u yoo need to be caerfull be cuz they will steal ur stufZ and ur nudes hide your picstures I know this attak it hAz happens to meh liek 2 time they will take over psn it's anonymous clannnnnnn

    8.6 years ago
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    @Flightsonic have you seen how many people I follow? I think like 86 or something like that. No wonder I'm getting spammed

    8.6 years ago
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    49.1k Flightsonic

    Try deleting system32..jk don't do that.
    Spotlighted planes are planes punted out by the people you follow, so for a temporary solution, unfollow a lot of people, but the spam will most likely cool down in a few days anyway

    8.6 years ago