In the latest website update, we eliminated the ability to change your username, due to abuse. Players would change their names on a whim, or for pranks/jokes, so we decided it was for the best to set all usernames in stone, so to speak.
However, mods and devs can still edit usernames. If you want your name changed, please comment below what you want your new username to be, and I will do so. I will be doing this, but only until the end of July 2016.
After this deadline, if you need to alter your username, use the contact form in the footer, and tell us what you want your new username to be, and why you need this change. If you do not have a sufficient reason, your request will be denied at that time.
I want to cahange username plz
I was denied :(
@Jim1the1Squid Honestly I don't know, I'm not that creative, I said, I could change it anytime, but I actually can't oof.
So, why did you choose Yeetboii?
I really picked a stupid name and thought i could change it damn
Dang I guess I missed my chance to be called “The Master of Puppies.”
Aw, was gonna change my name to SasquatchOnNeptune (I hate my current username) and just realized it was until July of 2016.. Guess I'm a bit late.
I lost my old account which was MoistNugget420 but I lost it so the name changed and I always want to have MoistNugget420 as my username
This is the only game i have that has this username. I also get teased about it because I am not the fastest so I want to change it to Renegade217
I missed a letters in May name and can't add them 😩
I wanted to change it to Ave Aeronautics
my username now is my full name and i dont want people knowing my name
please change it to HRDrafting
and acording to simple planes theres no personal info allowed in usernames :(
because mine has my name on it :(
can mine be changed to slipstream or drafter and if they have been taken add numbers...
@speedmachine21 Please re-read the last paragraph of the post. However, it is not likely that we will change your username, unless you have a very compelling reason why you need this change.
Any way to change it now?
To state the obvious: if you want your name changed, please read the post above. Commenting for a name change request now, after the specified deadline, simply demonstrates that following instructions is not your best quality.
Eh... if I messed up... I'd love to be called UraharaPlanes.
VIDO if it's not to late please.@joeysellers
Just as well I'm happy with my name lol
@SimpleFlight Done.
@BlueCobraCreations Done.