As I recently perused the parts list to see if there are parts I can use in new and interesting ways, I studied the piston. Not many seem to use it and I think I know why...there's no "hinge" part in the game. I realize there are rotators that may function like hinges, but I don't know how to make them do that. The piston could be great; large built-up speed brakes, lowering cargo ramps, etc., but the only way to do those things is with rotators, but pistons would be more realistic, I think.
So, who uses pistons and how?
@Shmexysmpilot doh! Ok, will try!
@ChiChiWerx what do you mean no hinges? Take a hinge rotator and move the speed all the way down until it says "free spin"
@Gestour now that's a brilliant idea! I need to try that one out.
I use them on flaps, with rotators, so the flaps move back, and rotate down.