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33.1k AverroesIndustries  8.6 years ago

here's my list.
Users Start with :
Noob (0 Points)
Bronze (100 Points)
Copper( 5,000 Points
Carbon (10,000 points)
Emerald (25,000 points)
Ruby (50,000 points)
Pearl (75,000 points)
Sapphire (100,000 points)
Diamond ( 150,000 points)
Titanium (250,000 points)
Californium (most expensive material on earth) (500,000 points)
Graviton (Fabric of gravity) (750,000 Points)
Anti-Matter (1,000,000. Points)
Anti-Matter Green (1,250,000 Points)

I think we should have the colour of these and that we still have the number in our tags ( the points of course) so that we know our progress
Anti-Matter Red (1,500,000 Points)
Anti-Matter Black (2,000,000 Points)
Quark (the fabric of the universe) (5,000,000 points)
I think this is the best idea.
TOOK MY INSPIRATION FROM PLANESOFOLD'S POST I'm just reviving this with what I think is best.