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Achtung Panzer! - German 152mm Mayhem & Fighting in China [repost]

17.2k GoldenEagle  8.6 years ago

German 152mm Mayhem

April 6th, 1940
Near Warsaw, Poland

Sturmpanzer Kampfwagen KV-2B "Thunder Wolf" #293
Lt. Reidhêlm Strünerring
After capturing and restoring a KV-2 that we destroyed with our StuG III near Belarus, we will be testing it near Warsaw where our Pz. II scouted near our position and spotted a battalion of 20-30 KV Tanks, 10 KV-2s and about 20 KV-1s and we already set up our defenses and our scout got shot by a KV-2 that almost hit their Crew but hit their transmission, they said that it wasn't the 152mm that our Pz. Kpfw. KV-2 mounted, but a 122mm gun, they were relieved that they didn't got hit by a 152, I ordered them to abandon their tank and get to cover and provide support fire with an abandoned Mortar left out from the first engagement... We got hit by a 76mm HE shell from a KV-1 and our allies got hit but not serious, except for one tank in our position, our Pz. IV A got hit by a 152 in a range of 268 meters the made them hit a house, they are out of action, we are left with 28 tanks in action, it was fair fight by numbers, but not by firepower and strategy, We fired our first shell loaded at a KV-1 that was near us, it hit them in the side, killing the crew, we continue to stand our ground until we are just left with 15 tanks against 12 tanks, 5 of them ran away but some of our allies pursued and destroyed them, we are now waiting for air support... After hours of silence, we finally destroyed the remaining tanks except for 2 KV-2s and 3 KV-1s that we captured the tank and the crew, another successful mission for the 198th Tiger Division...

Fighting in China

April 6th, 1940

Type 3 Chi-Nu "Shinobi" #101
Sgt. Takashi Fujihiro
As we stalked the Chinese to make them surrender, we saw civillians perished in the middle of the firefight, we had to do it, I can't look at them just because I will always remember whem I am fighting in Manchuria in the 1930s, all of my allies and a close friend of mine died except for my Brother, and Cousin that are now part of my tank crew as Driver and Gunner, As we camped out near the village, eating, a sniper spotted massive tropp movements with tanks... it will be one hell of a fight, we got ready and fired at their truck, killing many, and we shot at their tanks and a HE shell hit a house near us, it was from a towed artillery not far from us, we sent our Tankettes to know where that artillery is... We left our position just to flank them in the rear, where there are tanks and trucks, we saw some captured Japanese soldiers that failed their mission and got captured by a Chinese Squad, "we will rescue them no matter the cost, even if it takes my life!" Is what I said to my battalion after I spotted the truck holding POWs, we noticed that artillery fire just stopped, our tankettes did it, now we can safely rescue our fellow soldiers... we shot their driver with our coax mg, we rammed a Chinese tank that is escorting the truck, good thing there are no Aircraft, because we are fighting in a forest... I ran out of the tank and went to the truck, I got hit in the leg with a rifle bullet, I fell, but I crawled to the truck, released our allies, gave them weapons, and fought together until the Chinese surrendered, and the battle is over, we lost many men, but they lost more than us, I can't wait to get back to my station near here...

To join, comment your: Country, Tank, Tank Team name, Tank Number, Battalion, Role, and Fictional name[optional]


Pz.Kpfw. III 7.5(1939-1943)/Pz.Kpfw. VI Schürzen Tiger(1943-1945) "Finsternis" #98 112th Panzer Brigade (Command/Lead)
Commander: SkrillEclipse - Fredrik Hanstaär
Gunner: TheToyMaker - Karl von Razülfik
Loader:Shawniepie - Hänz Rütternam
Driver: Mox - Ludwïg von Kurtz
Radio Operator:ErnstHeinkel16 - Hanhëim Stravëign/Beeack - Rattën Nëewmack

Pz.Kpfw. VI B Tiger II "Shbüziäl" #194 30th Tiger II Division
Commander: SimpleTechandResearch - Ästucheze
Gunner: Häashder
Radio Operator:Guáid

Sturmgeschütz III(1940-1944)/Jagdpanther(1944-45)"Anjeloka" #82 112th Panzer Brigade (Co-Command/Co-Lead)
Commander :dzulfikar - Zulka Ferroda
Gunner : MasterMindIndustriesAndAviationCorporation - Salah
Loader : Huterrich Valgota
Driver : Markús Schlitka
Radio operation: Sagil Musharagi

Pz.Kpfw.- KV-2B "Thunder Wolf" #293 198th Tiger Division (Command/Lead)
Commander: MrSilverWolf - Reidhêlm Strünerring
Loader 1:
Loader 2:
Radio Operator:


Type 3 Chi-Nu "Shinobi" #101 12th Infantry Support Division (Command/Lead)
Commander: Takashi Fujihiro
Gunner: Kenji Fujihiro
Radio Operator:
Driver: Shinjo Kadanaka

Type 3 Chi-Nu-Kai "Shogun" #41 IJA 40th Tank Battalion (Leader)
Gunner: arcues

Type 94 Tankette "Korya" IJA 17th Infantry Support Group (Command/Leader)
Radio Operator:Niamat


M26 Pershing 90mm "Mountain Lion" #240
Commander: Wahoo12
Gunner: fallout4king
Driver: ElGatoVolador
Co-Driver: TheRubyArmy1134
Loader: Stampede

M4A3E8 "Fury"
Commander: General360

M10 Wolverine


KV-2 /ASU-85 "Na Zapad" #849 6th Guards Heavy Tank Battalion (Leader)
Commander: ThunderstormAerospaceIndustries - Johsaph Lenosak
Gunner:CaesiciusPlanes - Kuril Valyeskoya
Loader 1:
Loader 2:
Driver: though - Dimitri Zeratuv
Radio Operator:

KV-1 "Lachevsky" #944 6th Guards Heavy Tank Battalion
Commander: Supermini555 - Nikolav Ruszchoskiviy
Radio Operator:




Char B1bis "Le Buteur" #29 8th French Heavy Tank Battalion (Lead/Command)
Commander: Epicnessssssssssssss
Loader 1:
Loader 2:
Gunner 1:
Gunner 2:
Radio Operator:



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    I Know that this roleplay/story is discontinued but I would command an ASU-57 ("Sasha") with a short barrel (the last of a stranded ASU-57 division) with my driver: Ivan ,and loader: Marko. My fake (story) name would be Nicoli.
    I'm not a good story writer so do wut u want with my ASU-57.(Just don't instantly kill them please)

    6.0 years ago
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    17.2k GoldenEagle

    @Supermini555 ok!

    8.6 years ago
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    @GoldenEagle oh

    8.6 years ago
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    29.0k Supermini555

    I want to command a KV-1!@GoldenEagle

    8.6 years ago
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    17.2k GoldenEagle

    @LeHoneyBadger because of some stuff that you wont want to know

    8.6 years ago
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    Y repost?

    8.6 years ago
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    17.2k GoldenEagle

    @Epicnessssssssssssss ok!

    8.6 years ago