I want a floppy rotator with it's range of motion set to 5* and another set to 8* It's for a new version of my piston powered boat.
I want a floppy rotator with it's range of motion set to 5* and another set to 8* It's for a new version of my piston powered boat.
@Delphinus Sure, the imputs for both can be set under VTOL and the speed all the way off (so it is allowed to move freely in the 5 or 8 degree point)
@Delphinus I was looking for rotators, not hinges. I think we have them mixed up. What I was asking for was a small rotator, the thing that turns into a cylinder when its speed is set to zero. All a could find on your car were floppy hinges.
@Delphinus That only works for the hinge, I'll try to utilize those for my piston boat.
I wish that someone manage to mod floppy small rotators to the actual small rotator ...i love it because it is tiny ...can be placed almost everywhere and less visible than any kind of rotator .....i mean a small floppy rotator that can be rotated manually instead of waiting for air speed or terrian pressure aganist the suspension'ed wheels
@Delphinus Its the small rotator.