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A new idea about a working bombsite.

32.4k TheAceOwl  8.6 years ago

While testing my new bomber , I was pondering the idea of making a accurate bombsite. Then it hit me. This is how it would work; you would be in the nose of the bomber, coming up on the target in a site line. As you come up to it, you would wait till the niddle passes over the target, then you would press a button and you would see beside you a gauge raising. When the gauge reaches all the way, you would then press a second button that would release all the bombs. You would have the calculate how far from the target you need to be to press the first button and then the second, and what altitude this would work at.

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    I had this idea before. Using autopilot, level your plane, have a bombsight marked with different angles, and use an equation that uses speed and altitude to predict the angle to aim at. Only problem is that target altitude is hard to find.

    8.6 years ago