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Alternate WWII: Slightly Depressing Post

41.5k MrVaultech  8.6 years ago

Alternate WWII

The US, the once superpower of the world, is being forced into itself. Day after day, night after night, Luftwaffe bombings have continued. Hundreds of towns, cities, and agricultural centers have been bombed endlessly. DC, the capital of this country, being hit hardest. The city barely recognizable by its citizens. The Capital building lay in ruins, the White House burned to the ground by fire bombs, and the Mall littered by dirty bombs. Despite the well efforts of AA crews, countless more bombers replace the ones they shoot down.
The major port city of San Francisco fared less. The harbors littered with remains of battleships and merchant ships. The Golden Gate Bridge collapsed into the bay below, and most the city burned. Many people who still live there live with the possibility of burning alive by Japanese fire bombs, or of poisoning from dirty bombs.
Many farms, plantations, and factories along the East coast have been bombed out by the Luftwaffe, while the West from the Japanese. Really, this is the lowest the US has been since the Depression.

Out at sea, it's even worse. German U-boats patrol North America's East coast, hunting any craft daring to cross their paths. The entire coast has become a "no man's land" for the US, with merchants sunk right outside the harbor they just left.
On the West, Japanese I-400's hunt down any ships not flying an Axis flag. The carrier subs hunt down merchants, warships, carriers, etc. With this massive deadzone on North America's coasts, I'm surprised they even made it to Norway...

The American's, despite the deadzone, still sometimes make it out. France had an attempted invasion, then a fairly successful one later after that. But even though they made it to land, they can't receive consistent supplies from home. Despite receiving supplies from rebels, it would hardly be enough for an invasionary force. Even if they somehow free France, the US would possibly already be invaded and conquered by the Axis.

With every disadvantage, though, the US still fights. The citizens, despite the fear of bombings, support their forces 100%, constantly funding with what they can, keeping the US forces going...

England, despite fighting a losing war, still fight strong. The British armed forces fight like they have the Germans at the end, despite it the other way around. Even without a constant support from other Allied countries, such as the US, they keep fighting. Most of England's armored forces in homeland have been destroyed, but that hasn't stopped them. Without the tanks, they reverted to WW1 tactics; trench warfare. Digging hundreds of thousands of kilometers of trenches around Northern England, and along Scotland, they fight.

In China, it was a losing fight from day one. With Japan pushing them away from Beijing the first few months after the failed D-Day invasion, but still fought back against the Japanese. Many Chinese citizens took up arms against the Japanese forces, holding them off for their military to assist. Even though they lost their major industrial cities after the first 6 months, they did whatever they could to fight...

Germany: MrVaultech, VladCelTroll, ErnstHeinkel16, Supermini555, CL4TRP, CaesiciusPlanes, BirdOfSteel, Nick7885, jw1523 Japan: Himynameiswalrus, CaesiciusPlanes, ElGatoVolador, arcues, MikuKat, SkullHunter29 Spain: TemDesBur 
Italy: ZeFegelAntics, HakkeAirTech,
Brazil: LegnaK 
Saudi Arabia: MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation

US: ErvenDynamics, Pilotmario, ThunderstormAerospaceIndustries, Bluerobot11, TheRubyArmy1134, DALS2016Sniper16, InternationalAircraftCompany, Mox, TheBroadside, MechWARRIOR57, SwagAircrafts
Soviet Union: KerlonceauxIndustries,  
Australia: RMark1, PINK 
Ireland: AeroCrazyInc 
China: Ihatelava123 
New Zealand: Stickman, 
Canada: SkrillEclipse, Razr, SHCow, WEAPONSMITH, Dart

Pick which country you want, there can be more than 1 user per country.
Simple say in the comments which country you'd like then I'll gladly change it for you.
You must build a regular WWII style plane whether it be real or a fictional plane and may be your company that made it.
Due to recent advancements jets have afterburners and are able to go 1200mph max
No VTOL engines or VTOL aircraft except Helicopters are allowed.
UNLESS The VTOL engines are used to power ships then they may be used.
Modding is allowed, modding engines to be weaker is allowed as well, but modding engines to be more powerful isn't allowed at all.
All bombs are accepted, but no miniguns for planes, the only rockets allowed are the air to ground or ground to ground katyusha style unguided missiles, so build any type of WWII looking Aircraft, Landcraft, or Watercraft.
Atom bombs are now included. The US and Germany are receiving two nukes (20 kt), and that's it. The nukes can only be carried 100 miles from the runway that the plane took off from if it's going to be dropped (and no carrier takeoffs), but as far as the plane can go if unassembled (same with other modes of transportation). The nukes can be given to other countries, but only if discussed with the other members of the residing group (i.e. US/Germany). If a nuke is going to be used, it will have to be discussed with the residing group, unless used for propoganda purposes.
Guardian missiles are now allowed (gonna be called Radio Guided Missiles) for use, but with restrictions; only one is allowed on a plane. You need two forward facing, visible cockpits. That's about it.

The Allies now have access to the 150, and Axis to the 300 engine

Bright Red-Axis Superpower 
Dark Red-Allied with or occupied by Axis 
Light Grey-Neutral 
Dark Grey-Contested 
Light Blue-Allied Superpower 
Dark Blue-Allied with or occupied by Allies

Dark Red- Bombed areas
Light Red- Axis Territory
Light Grey- Allied Territory

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  • Profile image

    Mate I wanna be nazi germany

    3.3 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    Ah, makes sense, makes sense.

    +1 5.9 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    A dead RP, that also makes me wonder how you got here.

    5.9 years ago
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    can someone explain to me how & where to join, i'm new and also is there a server or something?(That probably sounded stupid) because i am confused.

    8.0 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    Okay, make sure to do that on the new posts.

    8.6 years ago
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    3,493 Seabo14

    @MrVaultech Oh, ok, then I guess I'll just re-join Germany again :D

    8.6 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    No clue.

    8.6 years ago
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    3,493 Seabo14

    @MrVaultech Also, where am I? I got into Germany, and notified you on the activity post, but i'm gone?

    8.6 years ago
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    3,493 Seabo14

    @MrVaultech What's happened about Gen360? Just since he posted a post about this a few days ago.....

    8.6 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    You're welcome.

    8.6 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    It's already out, but another user posted it, and will be from now on. That user is VladTrollCell.

    8.6 years ago
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    3,895 Bluerobot11

    @MrVaultech 8/2

    8.6 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    Kinda lost on which stage you mean...

    8.6 years ago
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    3,895 Bluerobot11

    @MrVaultech all a part of u know what stage you know which

    8.6 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    Sounds... dangerous?

    8.6 years ago
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    3,895 Bluerobot11

    @MrVaultech how does a giant flying kerosene tank sound

    8.6 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    Good to know.

    8.6 years ago
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    @MrVaultech Well, Check The Announcement And Felling Things, I Released My Forum.

    8.6 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech


    8.6 years ago
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    @MrVaultech Yeah, Blame Hellfirekoder, Because His Fine Tuner Turned My SP into A Black Screen.

    8.6 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    Well, that sucks.

    8.6 years ago
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    @MrVaultech Well Lol- My Sp Is Broken Now

    8.6 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    We forgot You? I didn't know you we're part of it

    8.6 years ago
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    8.6 years ago
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    227 jw1523

    @Bluerobot11 It's just for RP Purposes
    I hate Nazis in real life

    8.6 years ago
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