-Simply don't leave a currently safe area searching for the threat, simple enough.
-Quarantine the threat if possible, ie: locking the animal/human out of the majority of your house.
-Barricading, especially with animals and some humans, seal off much of your house with furniture or other objects . . . always keep an escape route.
-Ambush the threat if possible, especially if they get through the barrier.
-Keep a ready supply of ammunition for your main defensive weapon if possible, or allowed by your government.
-If brown (grizzly) bears or wild dogs are your issue, go up on a roof or climb a tree. However, black bears can get around this.
-Shut and lock all doors and windows . . . duh.
-If possible, don't go do things on your own.
-Don't panic, you horror movie cliche' idiot.
-The Po' Po' really help.
-If you have a security system, set it off, even the fire alarms will work.
-Create diversions; flares, loud noise, etc.
-Lastly, avoid crazy/wild animals . . . especially boar and Russain street dogs.-or feral animals of any kind
I’ve known this in alaska now I’m in texas BIG CHANGE!
But yeah I’m alive.
Also don’t be rude to us Alaskans. @RailfanEthan
That's the point xD @RailfanEthan
Santa could use these tips though....
@Clawsome I'm not sure about how many people live in the artic, but yes they do. I did some very quick "research"...
Polar bears are the only known animals on earth to do so. @RailfanEthan
I am pretty sure that is illegal in most (all) countries. @amazingperson124
Plant a few landmines in the backyard
The closest thing I have to a weapon is a Swiss army Classic knife or using a charger with a power brick as a flail.
Keep a sword nearby.
@PINK Give me a example of an animal that will seek humans while not hungry
You aren't wrong, although some animals will seek out humans. @RailfanEthan
If it's a person, be sure to grab something hard (baseball bat, metal cup or mug, etc) if you don't have a firearm or blade. Either sneak up behind, knock him/her down, and whack with the object hard, or run at the person quickly while yelling anything in another language (German? Blitzkrieg?) and beat the crap out of him.
Animals. Bears can knock down doors if provoked or hungry. That's why you need to be prepared to smash his head with your hard object or weaponry. If this animal is rather a dog, wolf, or fox, try to indentify if it has rabbies, mange, etc. If it's a normal animal, throw some meat infront of their paws. The reason for it coming in is hunger. Also, don't get to petting the animal. Especially foxes.
Now I do agree with alarms, calling the police, etc
however, if you're doing one of my ideas with a person - try to keep it silent.
@PINK Ruger mini 14. I plan on getting one.
I basically have this, but with a thicker barrel @arcues
Okay, I tend to keep a some longer knives . . . but still that gun. @arcues
@PINK i have a long knife when im home only ha to use it once and that was agiest a onioun
Actually, I keep a Mini-14 Ranch-Riffle carbine in my closet. Devastating peice of kit in close quarters, especially; homes, prisons, and other buildings. @arcues
knifes kifes bloody knifes