I ask that you give me an aircraft that has NO MISSILES, but has guns, and I will put them up against each other....... If you're wins, itll move to the next round, and to ba fair, I'll use AI to determine it...... but your aircraft MUST ME MOBILE FRIENDLY! I will not take your aircraft. I will just use them in the comp. they will be put at medium range
I'll be back tomorrow
I gtg, and btw, my dumb phone won't let me highlight it all
@Ihatelava123 I can't find the URL, you're going to have to make it a link, sorry, it just won't work..... But as long as it has guns, no missiles, and is mobile friendly, it's ok, but I need to be able to download it
You're in
But I need at least 3 others
I'll go make sure it's in proper criteria