I've built 3 planes so far, and have come across issues building. I can't adjust the increments of my fuselage pieces beyond set parameters. How can I adjust them? Also, my Corsair wings cannot be tilted because I lose my graphics. Someone suggested I use ghost wings. What are ghost wings and how do I use them?
Any help is appreciated, and check out my planes and tell me what you think! Thanks!
Building in IOS
570 Dixieman
8.5 years ago
Awesome thank you! That changes everything!
@Dixieman you drag the part (or group of parts) to the top left to save it as a subassembly, then name it and you'll see it under the subassemblies tab in the parts menu
@Shrekbopcity Are you our Lord and Savior, Shrek?
@SwagAircrafts Ok i accept your apology
@Shrekbopcity I'm just telling you m8 to not spam. Please? :3
@SwagAircrafts Well i think you should stop sending hate comments to me
@Shrekbopcity Well nobody likes people who spam. :3
@SwagAircrafts I don't like your attitude
@Shrekbopcity If you keep on spamming fourm posts like that you're gonna be gone from here less than a month.
@MechWARRIOR57 I'm still building I'm just looking for advise for my future builds, any advice is appreciated. @shmexysmpilot how can I save parts and transfer them to other builds?
No idea what ghost wings are, but on iOS the increments are always the same, but if you get a fuselage block that was edited to have say 0.1 width, you can change that to 3.6, 5.1 etc using the buttons. I do this, and i have scaled fuselages (1/4 and 1/8) that I can use for very small designs. If you want to be able to change them yourself you'll need an Android device or a computer running SP because it requires modifying the XML files of the parts
Just making 3 planes isn't enough I built maybe 10 planes before I got a account
Build more planes 3 is not enough