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Command and Conquer RolePlay S2: Österreich Über Alles! + Tensions Increases between Major Superpowers

17.2k GoldenEagle  8.6 years ago

Note: I completely changed the format to make it look better and not a mess of random words

Österreich Über Alles!
After the war against the Draculan Empire which completely changed on how the world goes... New groups form against the state, the 'Great African Economic Depression', Draculan Reformation as Avarua, and the 'South African Civil War'. But there is one event that everyone didn't notice until they attacked the GAE, it was the Austrian Nationalist Republic, another nation influenced by FUC and the old Polish Liberators, but, the founding leaders were both from FUC and the PL, they were Edfürd Harfitter and PL Seperatist Bjôdini? Nokútža, both are main targets of the UWP because of the wars they both caused...
The following month, January 16, 2088, the day where they caused mass destruction when they attacked the GAE by force throught the north, and the GAE almost fell after their Ground Forces were almost wiped-out but with the help of Japan, Auruna, and Sals, they fought untill it they are strong enough to push Austrian Forces back... The two cities re-captured by the combined Aurun-African Forces were Thalamikesh and Bundawaria, the attempt to re-capture Thalamikesh was so difficult, they relied on the Aurun Ion Cannons which fired an Anti-Materiel Beam to remove the Austrian fighting capabilities, and after the re-capture of those cities, the Austrians launched their Land Battleship, nicknamed 'Welt Zerstörer', it struck fear on the forces who oppose it, the first one was disabled by Ultracharged-Anti-Materied Ion Beams from both Auruna and the GAE, but after that, there are still more of those Land Battleships that the Austrians made and used in combat, the war is not over as reinforcements from Auruna and Sals continue to come and back the GAE Forces up, more and more are coming and aswell the Austrians...
Everyone in the war question if they succeed or not...

Tensions Increases between Major Superpowers -by MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation
Ever since the Great War and the Reformation that followed afterwards. there was many conflicts too. one not too recent. between the Great Persian Caliphate and NFK respectively. a few errors could've leaded to world Disaster. yet as Tensions had increased only the stand-by nations could help. little did we know. the GAE had its own set of problems. Notably the Uprisings against them. and several Rebellions could only result in a Civil-War. Now, the NFK Ultimately may be left with no choice? will they Attack. or do something that was well needed? one that the Great Persian Caliphate may have fueled, yet not wanting a war. they hope to rebuild ties with NFK. what turn will things take next? Only Time will tell.

Treaty Section:

Notable Events:
Great African Economic Depression (December 2087-Present), South African Civil War (December 2087-Present), Austrian Attacks (January 2088), War Against Austria (January 2088-Present)

Date: February 2088


Countries & Territories:

Auruna (Light Blue)[Democratic Republic]
Leader: GoldenEagle
Members: Sharky, TheToyMaker, flyingdj, JohnMSmith
Alliance: Slavic Union, UGS, UWP

Avarua (Bazaar)[Stratocracy]
Leader: Mudkip
Alliance: AFP, UWP

Awwam (Green)[Caliphate]
Leader: tanklovers/MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation
Members: Supermini555, exosuit, DJbanana, RMark1, CaesiciusPlanes, hopotumon, Himynameiswalrus
Alliance: NRNW, UMN, UWP

Chechnya (Cyan)[Muslim Republic]

Democratic Republic of Poland (Dark Olive Green)[Democratic Republic]
Leader: DRP
Alliance: UWP

Empire of Rako (Grey)[Theodemocracy]
Leader: Pluto

Great African Empire (Light Grey)[Closed Democracy]
Leader: LeHoneyBadger
Alliance: UWP

Great Persian Empire (Asphalt)[Caliphate]
Leader: MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation
Alliance: UWP

Independent Territories of Taiwan (Turqoise)[Stratocracy]
Leader: Viper28
Alliance: UWP

Japan (Tan)[Territorial Republic]
Leader: MikuKat
Alliance: NRNW, UWP

Lanzarrian Conglomerate (Yellow)[Communist]
Leader: JakeTheDogg
Alliance: Slavic Union, UWP

NFK (Pink)[Socialist Republic]
Leader: Pink
Alliance: NRNW, UWP

Paternian Republic (Blue)[Federal Republic]
Leader: Pilotmario
Alliance: NRNW

Portugal (Dark Green)[Democratic Republic]
Leader: 1gman4evr

Republic of Sals (Blue-Violet)[Territorial Republic]
Leader: SimpleTechAndResearch
Members: Mox
Alliance: UWP

Russia (Red)[Federation]
Alliance: Slavic Union


For MORE info, see this UWP World Statistics Page

Rules & How to Join

-Do not be a jerk
-Do not be OP or else, you will be kicked out
-Wars can continue if the parties are both online, and the ones with the "Offline" tag, cannot be attacked
-You can have up to 3 Alliances
-Alliances can only have 6 Nations and 8 Territories
-Do not forget to tag me if you made a creation for the RP
-Taking land will take a long time, not in an instant
-Leaders can make choices for his/her country
-Do not be too rude to others, especially to MikuKat (If anyone is being rude to you Miku, tell it to Me or LeHoneyBadger)
-No Swearing, or Censor the Swear word
-You can freely trade/buy/sell tech and equipment
-To join, enter the following: Name (Color)[Government Type/Group Type]
That's all for the rules! And I will update it whenever possible

Banned Stuff: Teleportation(external), Anti-Matter Weapons(With SOME Reasons), Cloning, Superweapon Spam, Biological Weapons*

RP Idea and Main Story by GoldenEagle (Me)
Additional Story by MemeKingIndustriesandMegaCorporation

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    @Pilotmario goood

    8.6 years ago
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    148k Pilotmario

    @Himynameiswalrus We can confirm this. Your chemical weapons have been destroyed safely and properly.

    But don't mind we're still using the 4.2 inch Chemical Mortar M1. It was originally designed for chemical munitions, but as these munitions have been destroyed by treaty, we have only issued them with conventional HE rounds. It will retain its designation for administrative purposes.

    8.6 years ago
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    Going Offline

    8.6 years ago
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    We reached Hyesan

    8.6 years ago
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    @PINK Well. its not my issue, I'll still continue my Assault @Pilotmario in Korea

    8.6 years ago
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    @PINK We are fighting Enemies though. and its not Hard. nor easy. it just needs some skill. in which all our soldiers have.

    8.6 years ago
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    67.8k PINK

    We haven forces in both lands. I respect the PRs word far more so than yours. Also, I am going offline to continue some other stuff. @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation

    8.6 years ago
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    @PINK We have Tanks for the mountains and Planes. Sonbong and Najin is Awwam Territory now

    8.6 years ago
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    67.8k PINK

    So, you are fighting in the mountains? Good, we wil win easily. We are now moving into using ambushes airstrikes to halt your advance.
    Your tanks are so large that they make perfect roadblocks. @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation

    8.6 years ago
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    @PINK Some Simple Artillery will Demolish stands in Mainland NK

    8.6 years ago
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    @PINK Northern China is secured. there are no NFK nor PR Troops there. we pushed you all back into korea earlier. look ALLLLL the way back into comments.

    8.6 years ago
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    @PINK We're now using our SeaForces to help from the Korea Bay

    8.6 years ago
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    67.8k PINK

    Also, in Korea, you will encounter the PR's forces. And northern China. @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation

    8.6 years ago
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    @PINK We slaughtered the NFK Troops in Shanghai

    8.6 years ago
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    @PINK well we already took Shanghai. then we advanced from Jilian into NK

    8.6 years ago
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    Forces are now into Kanggye and Hyesan

    8.6 years ago
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    67.8k PINK

    We have both cities, also, only the tanks are fighting head to head. Not TDs. @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation

    8.6 years ago
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    67.8k PINK

    You aren't in Korea, nor have my lines been cut. However, your supply lines have been cut. @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation

    8.6 years ago
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    Shenyang and Harbin is where we will now drop bombs on Korea from @PINK

    8.6 years ago
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    @PINK Okay.

    8.6 years ago
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    @PINK Also. we already had the city secure, but did anyone tell you? you just aren't good at commanding?

    8.6 years ago
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    67.8k PINK

    Only the two I mentioned. @SimpleTechAndResearch

    8.6 years ago
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    @PINK Actually I have quite the disposal at my hand. We already Crushed the invasion from Jiangsu and Fuzhou. it was quite successful. since we cut off your supply lines

    8.6 years ago
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    @PINK but we're fighting head on ?????

    8.6 years ago
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    We're advancing from Jilin. Pushing into North Korea. Naval forces from Jinan are also taking off. At the moment Naval forces near Shanghai are Shelling your tanks and destroying equipment

    8.6 years ago
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