I'm pretty mad about general360 leaving, because Zed can handle constructive criticism! General gave a little bit of criticism to zed on his SU-whatever number Flanker, so zed responded by blocking him, reporting his planes, and getting Generals AT-AT which he spent weeks on, removed. Yes I know I'm being a little harsh, but I am tired of zed being hostile to anyone who gives him any criticism whatsoever! Another person told him his gliders all look similar, so of course he responded by blocking him. Zed, you need to cut back with the attitude, people don't alway have to say amazing things about your planes, learn to handle criticism better. I honestly don't care if zed blocks me, or of this post gets taken down, General360 is leaving because of zed, and I am PISSED.
@AndrewGarrison I was not aware that zed did not remove generals AT-AT. I heard from multiple sources that it was because of zed, so I mistakenly took it as the truth. I will try to be more careful in the future. I hope you understand
Wait, i wanna ask you something! Why my planes, FA-40EX and ZX-001X Were removed? @AndrewGarrison
Zed did not report General360's planes. You are spreading rumors. The people who reported the AT-AT have been dealt with and the AT-AT was promptly un-removed. Please, stop spreading rumors.
@Himynameiswalrus :(
@Sharky deleted his account again
Where is Zed?
@drdoom222 yeaaaahhh I feel like it was my fault he left
Guys, I'm not a mod or anything, and I don't want to make enemies, but post like these are against the rules. Trust me. I know. I made one, and it didn't end well.
He deleted his account
@Himynameiswalrus Ehh Mix of both.
@SimpleTechAndResearch idk
@Himynameiswalrus Victory? Bad?
@SimpleTechAndResearch wow he did
He deleted his account
@AndrewGarrison Please teach ccooper a lesson, even if he has no account.
I hate him.
yeah, he also blocked me and reported my few things because of... guess what... I said that what bacon said was an opinion and not harrasement
@UnknownNate I'll tag you on an unlisted plane
@UnknownNate I deleted the comment
@Seeras @MediocrePlanes @Squirrel can you guys do anything about this?
@AndrewGarrison I know you guys are in contact with him, end the reporting abuse PLEASE.
@haydenteeter81 k thanks for the idea
Hey I think u should try to talk to some of the Mods and/or Andrew Garrison about the abuse of reporting other posts and players.