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New Website suggestions

5,940 Mudkip  8.6 years ago

Ok, here are some website suggestions.

(1.)A red button saying Contact Mod on the moderators profile page below the folowing button. Clicking or tapping on this button will take you to a chat that looks just like the create forum page, exept without the title box. In this chat you can talk to the moderator about a problem in the community. This would solve alot of headaches with contacting a mod.

(2.)Remane the Noob rank to Sandstone.

(3.)A Compare button next to the Spotlight button that compares a variant to the original plane. This would be really usefull for finding out what's a copy.

(4.)Under Manage Account, there would be an option to sell your account. Clicking on it would give you an option to sell your account to anyone who deserves such an alt. It automaticaly blocks users who don't follow the rules.

(5.)New Ranks. Here are the ranks I thought up, with the current ones.
Sandstone. Renamed Noob rank, and you get it when you create your account.
Bronze. Brown, and you get it at 100 points.
Silver. Gray, and you get it at 1,000 points.
Gold. Yellow, and you get it at 5,000 points.
Aluminum. Light Gray, and you get it at 10K points.
Master. Black, and you get it at 25K points.
Obsidian. Dark Purple, and you get it at 100K points.
Emerald. Green, and you get it at 150K points.
Emperor. Light Purple/Yellow, and you get it at 1,000K points, simply 1 million points.

(6.)An option to recover an account without the headache of passwords. It only shows up if you are logged out.

EDIT: DisferGoatz has posted a review here:

1: Yes, excellent idea!
2: Yeah, that would be less offensive to good white players.
3: Doesn't seem like a bad idea.
4: No, that's not so good, what if someone accidentally pressed it and lost their account to someone else?
5: Yes, we need new ranks.
6: Yes, that'd be excellent.

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    1,757 VanNate

    Y u no ruby=red

    8.6 years ago
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    5,940 Mudkip

    @KingDeadshot My made up ranks.

    8.6 years ago
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    5,940 Mudkip

    @CaesiciusPlanes The ranks real name is Master.

    8.6 years ago
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    5,940 Mudkip

    @KingDeadshot I summon you to hack users pages as an example of my ranks.
    User 1
    User 2
    User 3
    User 4, but since there are no users at 1 million yet, I choose this guy.

    I despratley need you to post them as pics, then link them so I can show evereybody what my ranks look like.

    8.6 years ago
  • Profile image
    16.1k DisferGoatz

    @Mudkip oh.

    8.6 years ago
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    5,940 Mudkip

    @DisferGoatz Well,I also think the Manage Account page needs to be split in two. One page would have the email, the beta planes, the gravitar, and the password thingies, and the other, acsessable through a button on the first page, would have the options to delete and sell your account.

    8.6 years ago
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    16.1k DisferGoatz

    1: Yes, excellent idea!
    2: Yeah, that would be less offensive to good white players.
    3: Doesn't seem like a bad idea.
    4: No, that's not so good, what if someone accidentally pressed it and lost their account to someone else?
    5: Yes, we need new ranks.
    6: Yes, that'd be excellent.

    8.6 years ago
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    19.4k TTHHSSSS

    I agree!

    8.6 years ago
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    16.2k Mox

    New record

    8.6 years ago