For the past about 15 minutes, I have been trying to upload a plane with (you could say only) 183 parts! At least 7 times now the game has crashed with me taking pictures of the aeroplane or pressing the "upload aircraft" button. The closest I ever got to it actually uploading was the 10% uploaded signal! (Crash!) Once upon a time in 1.0 to 1.2 you could upload planes with over 400 parts successfully!
Upvote if you also have this problem or find this a real pity.
Df it doesnt... So easy for me ha ha
I have this same EXACT problem, and it honestly just ticks me off.
@AndrewGarrison Don't worry Mr. Garrison. I managed to upload it eventually. Here it is.
@jamesPLANESii Also try restarting your device.
I had everything on low or off apart from the things that make all the graphics look good. @AndrewGarrison
Try disabling music and video replay in the settings.
Especially Real Racing. @CODENAMEBOB
@jamesPLANESii I'm not really in to racing games that much anymore.. I always found them incredibly challenging and rage inducing.
With the new Real Racing 3, completing 10% of the game is a feat. And it's free. Something sneaky is going on here... And you'll be right. I have no idea why no one has committed scuiside over it yet with how brutally tough it is. I had saved up 635 gold on it, all to be ripped away from me with some cars that costed 200 gold that I couldn't resist. I like Gran Torismo 6 now. So much more money. I have 29,000,000 bucks on it lol. @CODENAMEBOB
I had this problem but crash once when trying to upload (not every time I upload)
@jamesPLANESii I had the original real racing on my ancient kindle a while back. It was the most fun thing I could do at the time
It could also be Real Racing 3, but I don't want to delete it because I've completed so much. They're kinda sneaky. @CODENAMEBOB
That'd be right. It's happened before as well. Once I had -48MB on my iPad lol! I actually calculated that I had more than 7 with my calculator. @CODENAMEBOB
@jamesPLANESii it may be trying to trick you into getting an iPad with a bunch of storage by telling you that... Sneaky Apple.
768x1024 pictures. Anyway. It said that it was only 200MB more when I looked at the manage storage thing. @CODENAMEBOB
@jamesPLANESii that's a lot of pictures...
It does this even with all that memory. @CODENAMEBOB
Funny you say that actually. Only a few hours ago, I had 5GB available, until I shared a few pictures for myself from my Mum's phone. Only 198 pictures of my holiday... Ok. Quite a lot. But after that I only had 44MB on my iPad! It should have only taken about 200MB off my iPad! Stupid eh? Another glitch. @CODENAMEBOB
Hmm... Are you running out of space? (I don't know if this will help or not)
It happened a couple days back, that's why I only took one picture of my Disfer PointHawk, literally, it crashed every time I tried to take two pictures or more. Doesn't happen anymore for me.
iPad mini 1, iPad equivalent is iPad 4. @CODENAMEBOB
Which iPad are you using?