Hi guys. I have some bad news.
My iPhone is officially NOT WORKING. It cannot turn on any more. This means it's all gone. No planes. No projects. No...nothing... I tried CPR. But no response. I brought it to the ER, but my iPhone was dead. The only thing I can do is wait until I'm able to get a good iOS device. Which can be months until it happens.
I only have my old iPad. Which operates simpleplanes like a potato. Even with the lowest possible settings. Now, I'm not leaving or deleting my account or anything like that. I just got to wait and see what happens. So, as of right now, I will not be uploading or updating my content. However, of course, I'll be able to hang around the community.
Ahtzee out...
@Monarch I redownloaded some of my subassemblies that a mainly use. I got them on my ipad
@Ahtzee hmm ok
@JovianPat @ESIOTROT121
I don't know if I'll get it repaired. I might just wait until my contact ends and get a new phone.
@Ahtzee Can you take it to a service center or something?
@Flightsonic it's not water damage. My phone bended a lot over time. I think a cheap strip wire gone loose or ripped.
I've once dropped the iPhone I'm using this very moment into my campers toilet.. (It still works.) Maybe I can get you a deal on a MacBook Pro.
Do you know of it is water damage? If it is (I know this sounds weird) put the phone in a bucket of rice to draw the moisture out
@Dimetrodonscantfly I don't think I'll use a desktop. I have no laptop. I like to be anywhere and build my planes. Considering I'm not always home. And I hate computers.
@JovianPat it was bending from time to time. I think the motherboard crack or something
@Liquidfox yeah. Hopefully
Do you have a computer you can use cuz this may be a good time to upgrade to steam
What caused your phone to die? Did something happen?