So I was in a huge storm last night and I ran outside to save my dog fromdrowning and in our (flooded) pool (below ground) and I had my phone on me. So when I slipped I fell into the water and lost all sp data. So no more sp for what I see cuz my iPad can't handle Shazam. Even a 100 part found plane kills the frames. I'm really sorry but the people at Apple said the "might"
be able to get the data back.
2,129 ArmiMakesPlanes
8.3 years ago
Vvvvtttt @Epicnessssssssssssss
I heard it make a noise what does that mean @Epicnessssssssssssss
And either way I can't do anything until after my first football game
Ya but idk when the last back up was@LuKorp
@lapisGamerYT it broke from the weight
@SonyPlayStation there is no iCloud sync for sp
What phone is it?
You may have a chance of saving it...
(I know this sounds weird, but it's one of the only ways) put your phone in a bucket of rice. Why? The rice will draw the moisture out of the phone
What about I cloud
I am typing from my iPad too an it sux at auto correct