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Command and Conquer RolePlay S2: Stories from Both Sides

17.2k GoldenEagle  8.6 years ago

Paternian Republic's Story
Downfall of the Persian Caliphate
History tends to repeat itself, as we know. The Paternian Republic has fought a long war with the Persian Empire, and perhaps is at its end. But so is the Persian Empire, who has committed itself to the destruction of the Paternian Republic in a cautionary tale.

With his yet-to-be-designed warships, helicopters, and practical tanks, he claimed to have destroyed our army.

This is false.

Just because you have the biggest guns, doesn't mean you don't win the fight automatically. War is more than who has the biggest gun.

Leadership. Psychology. Knowledge of you and your enemy.

We have all three. And yet they claim victory?

The caliph lives blissfully unaware of the state of everything, in what palace he feels he wishes to stay in.

The generals and admirals, afraid of his iron fist, feed him lies. Lies to comfort his complete lack of knowledge in all matters technical.

And this lack of knowledge of all things techical drove him insane over the creation of oversized targets for our machines, such as the Sulemari Tank.

Impossible creations. Because you can dispute the laws of a king, but you cannot dispute the laws of physics. The laws which all gods rule the world with.

And with his army, armed with such creations, march confidently into battle against the Paternian Army.

Of course, in a brutal one-life deathmatch, we would lose. They have far larger numbers.

So we retreat. And they follow.

They follow relentlessly. So relentlessly, that they abandon common sense and pursue with the fury of an angry bull.

But this angry bull charges blindly into our traps, ambushes, and minefields. They claim to be able to feed their people, yet their ability to bring things to the front are gone. No railways. No teleporters. No bridges. No tunnels.

And as he blissfully sips his tea in his palace, surrounded by enslaved courtesans taken from their homes, his army starves, worn down by ceaseless hit and run attacks from an unseen foe. They turn this rage to the only one's they can see; the people. We watched as the people were killed, raped, and robbed.

Then we hit. We hit hard. We hit so hard that what resistance they have crumbles. The people now cheer when our army arrives.

But their hopes are dashed as a large Persian army forms, and we rinse and repeat.

At sea, our submarines have virtually sunk the entire merchant marine of the Persians. As they have no antisubmarine weapons, they are quickly decimated.

It's a Paternian way of fighting. Never direct, always from ambush. Never fight fairly, because fair fights are for the foolhardy.

With this said, we aimed to bleed their army dry. They want land. All of it, for a jihad that would make Muhammad weep, and for any price. And so they paid it, in the blood of millions of soldiers.

The Paternians then went on the offensive, attacking and rapidly gaining lands back in weeks. India, Korea, and North Africa, came into our care. New Zealand and the whole of Polynesia join the ranks. He continues the relentless pressure, and it came to our attention that the soldiers were expendable.

We needed to make them bleed. Fast. A plan was devised to launch a combined attack on his capital city, Jakarta.

In the meantime, he has been proclaiming victory at every turn. Until Jakarta was gassed, the phosgene canisters mistaken for duds due to their lack of respect.

The next day, when half the city fell dead, only then did he realize what kind of person he was fighting.

And so he lashes out, trying to grab as much land, kill as many of our people as possible. But alas, this is a desperate man.

This desperate attitude is strengthened by Operation Rising Storm, where Paternian Army units invade the Caliphate itself. Although they were eventually driven back, it proved that we are able to destroy all. Again, he seeks revenge with further campaigns, draining his nation's treasury.

His allies, realizing how crazy he is, begin to leave and form new nations.

The Walrus Alliance is formed, and the first target is North America, as stipulated by the agreement. In exchange, Paternians cede their Antarctic claims.

Unfortunately, North America is occupied by Auruna, a wholly neutral nation. Such is the fate of neutrality, where they tend to be caught in the crossfire.

In a well-timed operation, North America was ours in three weeks.

Desperate, the Caliph decided to send a nuclear weapon to Hawaii.

And he nearly succeeds at blowing it up. Nearly.

If it wasn't for our research in artificial intelligence, in the form of the only person whose memory and function was transferred to a computer; Amy Winters.

She stopped the attack through a hack into the missile guidance, causing it to land harmlessly into the Pacific Ocean.

This time, the less stable one is Amy Winters. She nearly destroys the world in her bid to destroy all of the Persians. But we have since calmed her down, and she no longer seeks to completely annihilate them.

The irony is real, that is the people considered second-class to the Persians is the reason why they were nearly irradiated off the map.

While the Caliphate may claim victory, such is a hollow claim. The majority of their male population has been killed. In some villages and towns, there are only women, the wives, mothers, and daughters of the fighting men.

In combat, they were lions. A pride of lions. It is a shame they were led by sheep.

And so as we recover from the costs of this war, we watch an empire whose basis is a radical interpretation of a book written many centuries ago, crumble into the dust.

Persian Caliphate's Story
The Paternian Republic's Aggression, Failure and Downfall + The Betrayal of a Faithful Member
With the war at hand. After NFK failed to deliver a blow to the Great Persian Caliphate (Now "Excellent Persian Caliphate"), They needed help. and none other than of course. the Paternian Republic! a free ranging nation. with a simple yet easy going economy. the nation was thriving. yet growing. their Prowess was much at the time. and even though GPC Underestimated them. they still fought. and ran. and fought again. repeating the rinse and wash cycle. despite trying to tire GPC. they failed at the Most. instead relying on Psychological Methods which had worked at first. but then again. never managed to get through the High Commanders Head. it was a genius tactic. that had worked on many previous wars the Paternian Republic had encountered. but it just didn't work. there was a flaw. and the flaw itself was trying to fight a Religious Leader. one who Implied many aspects of Islam onto his Nation.

Pilotmario (Leader of The Paternian Republic) had initiated many operations. some succeeded in the littlest form. other. a total disaster. mostly inflicting the Paternian Republics Armed Forces. despite many adhering's to the situation. it was not enough. the Paternian Republic knew the Rinse and Repeat method wasn't working out for them. they had another strategy. smart as it can possibly be. one GPC was Completely Unaware of, A Whole new World War.

Pilotmario admitted to having lost a majority of his army. yet planned to Psychologically Bring Awwam and the GPC Down in a whole run. they sparked the GWW2. Which resulted in many people losing their lives. Awwami's. Paternian's. and The ones who were caught in the crossfire. Unfortunately this had also started several Rebellions against GPC And within Awwam Itself. Coups and Protests. a Nation nearing the edge of total collapse. but you may be wondering. how did the Paternian Republic Fail? the answer is. it backfired, Awwam and GPC Assembled major new Members and entire Regiments. Brigades. Companies and Battalions were Arranged. they planned to attack back And to take back Korea. as an entirety. The Rebellions were suppressed. martial law swept the nation. and many defectors were shot/killed. Awwam has Declared War upon PR and Officially also brought up Allies and Much new Equipment.

The Paternian Republic thought they had the upper hand. oh how wrong they were, These Units advanced towards known PR locations and devised strategic plannings. I Also arranged a Expedition towards Antarctica. on which PR Soldiers were known to reside. we attacked at dawn. and we attacked Hard! it was completely unexpected. we moved through them like the wind in a storm. we came from all sides. we locked in towards them and pushed through. creating what people who have no idea of the war would call. a Massacre it was in the thousands. The cold white canvas of Antarctica was spilled with Enemy blood. ranging like thrown wine on the floor.

In India PR Had a presence. which Awwam Violently disliked. soldiers in Nepal was buried in a avalanche and In Kashmir PR Troops were handed to the people. God knows what had happened to them. Southern India had a large amount of Civilians and PR Military Equipment too. we sounded a siren and ordered the civilians to immediately evacuate the location and to find a safe place. a Major raid took place. Hundreds of casualties on both sides. but the PR Was Decimated strongly. yet surely. soon thereafter GAE (Great African Empire) a Close ally to Awwam. too had eliminated PR Presence in Africa. after they heard of them advancing from Egypt towards The Arabian Peninsula. the Heart of Awwam. they were gone as far as the eye can see.

The Betrayal of a Faithful Member
a Member had gone rouge. the same one that was given responsibility of the Antarctic Expedition, it went very well. with PR Presence being flushed out of the location and with plans to advance to Greenland. he went rogue fast. soon after The High Commander did not agree to a treaty he proposed. what I didn't like personally. was allowing PR To take North America from Auruna. A Faithful and close ally to Awwam. The member went rogue and made his own Alliance. the Walrus Alliance. (it was "himynameiswalrus" ). We declared war on The WA.

Now the war goes on and PR Is nearly non-existent. with major collateral damage occurring whenever Awwam raids. its clear who the winner is here.

As the two opposing sides of the GWW2 had very different stories that oppose each other's claims, no man shall fight alone, as they have allies, "One man is only a weapon, but if you have more by your side, you have a SuperWeapon"
Most of them have different claims on each other too, sometimes, breaking the alliance when it became worse, being the most powerful is not enough, you need to be powerful and smart in order to defeat your enemies, land doesnt matter, as land is only a place where you could only be safe for a short period of time...
"Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near." - Revelation 1:3

Treaty Section:

Notable Events:
Great World War 2 (February 2088-Present), Death of Auruna (March 2088)

Date: April 2088

No map for today

Countries & Territories:

Argentina (Gold)[Republic]
Alliance: UWP

Avarua (Bazaar)[Stratocracy]
Leader: Mudkip
Alliance: AFP, UWP

Awwam (Green)[Caliphate]
Leader: tanklovers/MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation
Members: Supermini555, exosuit, DJbanana, RMark1, CaesiciusPlanes, hopotumon, shukurneon, TimeTraveller
Alliance: UMN, UWP

Chechnya (Cyan)[Muslim Republic]

Democratic Republic of Poland (Dark Olive Green)[Democratic Republic]
Leader: DRP
Alliance: UWP

Empire of Rako (Grey)[Theodemocracy]
Leader: Pluto

Great African Empire (Light Grey)[Closed Democracy]
Leader: LeHoneyBadger
Alliance: UWP

Excellent Persian Caliphate (Asphalt)[Caliphate]
Leader: MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation
Alliance: UWP

Independent Territories of Taiwan (Turqoise)[Stratocracy]
Leader: Viper28
Alliance: UWP

Japan (Tan)[Territorial Republic]
Leader: MikuKat
Members: SunRiseSunSet
Alliance: NRNW, UWP

Lanzarrian Conglomerate (Yellow)[Communist]
Leader: JakeTheDogg
Alliance: Slavic Union, UWP

NFK (Pink)[Socialist Republic]
Leader: PINK
Alliance: NRNW, UWP

Paternian Republic (Blue)[Federal Republic]
Leader: Pilotmario
Alliance: NRNW

Portugal (Dark Green)[Democratic Republic]
Leader: 1gman4evr
Alliance: CFPA

Republic of Sals (Blue-Violet)[Territorial Republic] {Katipunan HQ 2}
Leader: SimpleTechAndResearch
Members: Mox
Alliance: UWP

Russia (Red)[Federation]
Leader: DankDorito
Alliance: Slavic Union


Persian Anti-Communist Jihad Group/PACJG [Anti-Communist Jihad Group]
Country of Origin: Persia
Country of Allegiance: Persia

Global Liberation Army/GLA [Islamic Liberation Group]
Country of Origin: Awwam, Persia, GAE, Russia, Colombia, Bosnia
Country of Allegiance: Awwam, Persia

Katipunan/Samahang Kataastaasan, Kagalanggalang, Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan/KKK [Independence Group, Anti-Communist Group, Anti-Imperialist Group, Democratic Group]
Leader: GoldenEagle & SimpleTechAndResearch
Country of Origin: Philippines, Sabah, Vietnam, Former Auruna
Country of Allegiance:

Rising Sun Imperial Protectors/RSIP [Protection Group]
Country of Origin: Japan
Country of Allegiance: Japan

Nations involved in the GWW2

Awwam, Avarua, Persia, GAE

For MORE info, see this UWP World Statistics Page

Rules & How to Join

-Do not be a jerk
-Do not be OP or else, you will be kicked out
-Wars can continue if the parties are both online, and the ones with the "Offline" tag, cannot be attacked
-You can have up to 3 Alliancesn(The UWP Alliance is exempted from this rule)
-Alliances can only have 6 Nations and 8 Territories
-Do not forget to tag me if you made a creation for the RP
-Taking land will take a long time, not in an instant
-Leaders can make choices for his/her country
-Weapons and equipment must be built in order to be used
-Attacking a neutral country may result in every other country and group target the certain country who attacks a neutral one
-Do not be too rude to others, especially to MikuKat (If anyone is being rude to you Miku, tell it to Me or LeHoneyBadger)
-No Swearing, or Censor the Swear word
-You can freely trade/buy/sell tech and equipment
-To join, enter the following: Name (Color)[Government Type/Group Type]
That's all for the rules! And I will update it whenever possible

Banned Stuff: Teleportation, Anti-Matter Weapons(With SOME Reasons), Cloning, Superweapon Spam, Biological Weapons

*RP Moderators: *

RP Idea and Main Story by GoldenEagle (Me)

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    30.9k DankDorito

    Can I join UWP?

    8.6 years ago
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    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation Sorry, I just like to talk crap sometimes

    8.6 years ago
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    @RMark1 okee dokeey

    8.6 years ago
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    @Himynameiswalrus Ok? are you trying to intimidate me? you're like Pilotmario part 2. you don't stop talking about your power until you get put in your place.

    8.6 years ago
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    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation My military will destroy yours. My military Does not need fancy weapons, everything they use is crude, easy to manufacture, and brutally powerful.

    8.6 years ago
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    30.9k DankDorito


    8.6 years ago
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    67.8k PINK


    8.6 years ago
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    30.9k DankDorito

    Russia is in da house!!!!

    8.6 years ago
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    67.8k PINK

    Before you ask@MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation @Pilotmario @exosuit @LeHoneyBadger @GoldenEagle

    8.6 years ago
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    67.8k PINK

    We use the KOR produced "Federal Korean" (the FK-12s nick name). With the largest produced variant being the Kargo. It is a very simple and reliable gun with an effective range around 400 meters, similar to the Patrenan's M18A2......because the both fire the same caliber. It also has a max ROF of 780 RPM, a inside the trigger guard safety, a left handed charging handle,,and a left handed fire selector. It uses a similar roller blow-back system.
    -It can also accept M18A2 magazines, and is issued with 30 round magazines . . . and sometimes 60 round drums. @Pilotmario @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation

    8.6 years ago
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    @Pilotmario We already did.

    8.6 years ago
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    148k Pilotmario

    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation Gotta build them.

    8.6 years ago
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    @Pilotmario We have guns. Including the Kalashnikov

    8.6 years ago
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    148k Pilotmario
    8.6 years ago
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    18.2k exosuit

    Umm i dont think that you uploaded the tech you said? I think someone said that needed to upload to exist?@Pilotmario

    8.6 years ago
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    148k Pilotmario

    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation Your soldiers also don't have any guns. Correct me if I am wrong, you don't have any gun builds.

    We do. Our standard issue rifle is the M18A2 assault rifle. Each magazine has 30 rounds of 5.56mm Pilotmario, with an accurate range of 400 meters, and a rate of fire of 900 rounds per minute. AUG-style set trigger and Glock-style safe-action mean that there is no need for things like manual safeties and fire selector switches.

    Employing a gas-operated rotating bolt action with a short-stroke gas-piston similar to the Kalashnikov series of rifles, it is highly reliable, able to tolerate large quantities of dirt, mud, dust, sand, and detritus in the action.

    I don't think your allies have any gun builds. Or any gun builds worth anything.

    8.6 years ago
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    @GoldenEagle Okay.

    8.6 years ago
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    17.2k GoldenEagle

    @LeHoneyBadger probably next month, but soon... there is n exact date

    8.6 years ago
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    When is S3 coming?

    8.6 years ago
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    @Pilotmario I Can always buy tech you know :\

    8.6 years ago
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    @Pilotmario Hmm. So we don't fight with soldiers. @GoldenEagle

    8.6 years ago
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    148k Pilotmario

    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation Note the new rules. They nerfed Persia hard.

    You gotta build them if you want to use them, and teleportation of all kinds are banned. So far, I have not seen any warships, attack aircraft, or specialist armored vehicles as part of your designs.

    I have designed virtually every major piece of equipment, from infantry weapons to the heavy cruisers that got antimatter munitions on the ban list.

    8.6 years ago
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    17.2k GoldenEagle

    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation XD

    8.6 years ago
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    @GoldenEagle lol

    8.6 years ago
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    17.2k GoldenEagle

    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation oh yeah....

    8.6 years ago
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