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Stories from the heat: Part 1: The Surrender

5,940 Mudkip  8.5 years ago

Unknown, Egypt

Yena: Let's kill some Paternian scrum today!
All: Allright!
All Griffin ll's and Hyena l's with the men inside luch out of the base into GAE territory
Kroko: These dunes will take a toll!
Suddenly a convoy of 4 PDI M3 Skysweeper II, 2 MBT-6D-120 TUCK, and 18 Prime Mover M3 is spoted in the distance
Stro: It will be fun to use that new 200mm railgun on the convoy! FIRE!!!!!
All Griffin ll's and Hyena l's start attacking the convoy
Yena: Uh-oh.
Suddenly the MBT-6D-120 TUCK start retaliating
Vanjai: I'm getting attacked!
A crewmember of Vanjai's tank peeks out
Laka: I hear a propeller in Laka points to a cloud in direct sight THAT cloud.
Suddenly a Pummeler bursts out of the cloud, aiming at Yena's convoy
Yena: That thing is a piece of flying junk! An F-36 could just down this!
An F-36 Nova shoots down the Pummeler
Yena: We're good! Keep attacking!
Suddenly Victoria M5A5 MBTs, Stinger II M10 Tank Destroyers, Bandit Light Tank M8 General Burns's and PDI Terminator M3 Assault Guns attack Yena's convoy
Yena: I said that too early!
An A-40 Thunderbird bursts out of the clouds, and launches an AGM-39 Exocet at one of the Terminator M3 Assault Guns, taking it and neaby Victoria out
Yena: We're making progress!
The same A-40 launches another AGM-39 Exocet, this time, at a Stinger II M10 Tank Destroyer, taking it and all Terminator M3 Assault Guns out
Kroko: I should have been back at base my now.
An M8 General Burns destroys Kroko's Griffin ll, taking him with the tank
Stro: Nooooo! Kroko!
A GBU-120 Paveway X is droped on the M8 General Burns, destroying it
Stro: Yay!
All M8 General Burns's, Stinger II M10 Tank Destroyers, and Victoria M5A5s are destroyed
Vanjai: DIE IDIOTS!!!!!
The last Prime Mover M3 is destroyed, and the convoy retreats
Yena: Great job guys and gals! Now go back to base, the unit has surrendered!
All Griffin ll's and Hyena l's head back to base

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    5,940 Mudkip

    @Assassin23445 Please, no swearing. And Please, no hate speech.
    @MedicorePlanes would you kindly please deal with this prick?

    8.5 years ago
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    30.9k DankDorito


    8.5 years ago
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    5,940 Mudkip

    @DankDorito War against the PR.

    8.5 years ago
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    30.9k DankDorito

    I still don't get it...

    8.5 years ago
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    148k Pilotmario

    @Mudkip Tehran is FAR from Egypt.

    8.5 years ago
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    148k Pilotmario

    @Mudkip But still, Tehran is not in Egypt. We were in Palestine, Kuwait, and Western Iraq before we gave the order for a general retreat to Algeria.

    8.5 years ago
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    5,940 Mudkip

    @Pilotmario This happened before you retreated.

    8.5 years ago
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    148k Pilotmario

    @Mudkip Tehran in in IRAN.

    8.5 years ago
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    5,940 Mudkip

    @Pilotmario The base and site of attack was near Tehran.

    8.5 years ago
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    148k Pilotmario

    @Mudkip The attack did not come through Egypt. As established, we got as far as the outskirts of Tehran. Only when he mobilized the Immortals and other elite reserve units were we forced to retreat against extreme overwhelming numbers.

    8.5 years ago
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    5,940 Mudkip

    @Pilotmario This made you retreat.

    8.5 years ago
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    67.8k PINK

    They wouldn't have used any rear line vehicles in combat....and the MBT-3 is our best vehicle for desert warfare, as far as tanks go.
    However, MBT-6s haven't been used by the NFK in years. They were all exported. The NFK has three major tanks; MBT-5C, MBT-8A/B, MBT-3 Kelvin. The Kelvin is currently in limited test service with the Mongol 1st Brigade from the FAD. They love the type and hope to begin phasing out the 5C soon. However, these tanks would have been in Asia, not Africa, as we had other things to deal with.
    @Pilotmario @Mudkip

    8.5 years ago
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    148k Pilotmario

    @Mudkip We weren't in Egypt. We have retreated from Egypt long ago. This is probably the script for some propaganda.

    During Rising Storm, after the fierce battles in Iraq, Jordan, and Syria, we made a rapid and organized retreat, as it was never our intention to hold the Middle East.

    Also, we have never operated any variant MBT-6 officially. This was a variant we made for the NFK.

    The Prime Mover M3 is also used mostly with artillery units. A variant known as the M12 Armored Personnel Carrier features a revised internal layout. Although in operation during the time of Rising Storm, it was not used in North Africa.

    Also, the Paternian Army in North Africa does not employ tracked vehicles at all, with the notable exception of the M6A5 Ardent main battle tank and the M3 Skysweeper II air defense system, for use with the M6A5 Ardent. This is because in a desert, wheeled machines are as mobile as tracked machines, and tracked machines typically require greater maintenance.

    The units would have undoubtedly been accompanied by self-propelled anti-aircraft guns or would have been issued M35 MANPADS. Both weapons are perfectly capable of bringing down a jet. There was no shortage of said weapons, and the SPAAG would have been retained for its value in infantry support if anything.

    8.5 years ago
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    5,940 Mudkip

    @Pilotmario THIS is what happens when you underestimate Persia and Awwam.

    8.5 years ago