So I've been playing the steam beta focusing on the car racing tracks. mostly off road. and I just kind a realized something.. we don't have a race around the rattle snake race track... IT HAS RACE TRACK IN ITS NAME. so I've proposed a suggestion. I understand one thing here. there is a small section of the track that makes it un-usable. the slight super twist and turn in the one section. I'll have a photo set here in a moment explaining the track course. so why not just use the rest?
Black representing the usable part that would be used. red is the unused part.
Following what I have shown there. rattle snake race track (and I have done personal test runs) is PERFECT for a new off road racing track. the turns are not too tight. its moderately bumpy but less than our current tracks. and would honestly really be nice to have.
I agree.
@LuKorp ice island is on mobile
@Patrick20206 which is my point. the AI I admit isn't the best. but you can still build to make it work. as I have. I also have on raod versions of that vehicle that can finish gold prix quite easily.
@Typhlosion130 I used it in riding dirty and it performed well.
@Patrick20206 try using one of mine. the Geoterain Crawler MK:2. it can beat both off road races. with relitive reliability.
@Patrick20206 that said in gold prix you are right there are a few turns the IA just down right cuts a ring because they're slower corners. and hte AI seems to work on a turn slightly before you hit that ring now.
@Typhlosion130 I actually did it in the races section where download planes are, and made them both A.I. controlled.
@Patrick20206 well not really. its like air races. you need to build in a way that suits the AI. because the AI will not try to fit you. I"ve built a few cars my self that can do all the races except air strip drag so far. you simply just need to not have degrees of turn on a wheel so high. and compensate for this.
I noticed that the A.I. has driven horribly on gold prix in a race. If the A.I. was in a race the computer/user and the A.I. opponent will fall off. This shows that the A.I. needs to be improved so it can do the race.
@LuKorp didn't know that but its not like mobile has all the race tracks in the first place. there arep lenty on the destert island including one car race already.
@LuKorp Snow Crawl is on the ice island. which mobile doesn't have. and its a car race. plenty of air races are on the other islands as well. at this poitn almost half. that is not a reason as to why it shouldn't be there.
@Tully2001 so back to the topic. your thoughts?
@Tully2001 ah thanks.
@Tully2001 try what?