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Auto spawn AI in sandbox mode

39.5k baallzebub  8.5 years ago

They work fine with manual spawn..

Why all my plane cant be spawn automatically as an AI traffic ?

i set the AI setting to dense, its alright if it shown 2-4 plane in random.. but it seems not random enough because as i see ai planes name they only shown in 4-5 different plane (mostly the default one)..

is there any part count limit for plane to auto spawn as an AI ?

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    315k Gestour

    There probably is a part count limit, I don't know what it is though. The AI likes planes that fly well with AI, obviously.
    So test your planes on a race with computer control and adjust it so it flys well.
    My bandit race plane variants are just about all I see flying around anymore.

    Pinned 8.5 years ago
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    342 ArchOmen

    @Gestour I think it's ~30~50 parts for mobile.

    +1 2.2 years ago
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    39.5k baallzebub

    thanks for response @Gestour yes they fly well when i spawn manually..

    +1 8.5 years ago