I propose this simpleplanes educational games as extracurricular lessons for junior high school in Indonesia.
The method we can apply are: observing (see direct or viewing pictures and watching blue print), reasoning (how the aircraft works), trying (design, build and test fly), discussing (through forums we can talk about everything regarding aircraft from history to the technical specifications and mutual commenting on aircraft design uploaded), and communicating (highlight and publicize aircraft design). Students also acquire aircraft mock-up design with EUCL3D print.
It impressed by a figure of aviation in Indonesia, BJ Habibie, who has pioneered aviation in Indonesia which inspire all the children of Indonesia. I want to get data regarding Indonesian students who use the game simpleplanes as the data for my research.
I hope that many Indonesian children who studied aeronautical use simpleplanes game with scientific learning model that I set.
I implore friends from Indonesia can provide response data for my research. Thanks.
SimplePlanes for aeronautics extracurricular lessons in junior high school in Indonesia.
74.9k hopotumon
8.5 years ago
People have done stuff like that with ksp
@MrWarPac tell your teacher abaut it.. :D
@hopotumon btw, they really love this game, i tell 'em and they love it :D
@hopotumon @Bagas me too! I will be 14 on December 15th :D
@Smokehouse03 thank you
@hopotumon Its fine lol
@LACONNE np. Thank You
@Bagas Wow You are very young boy. Thank You
I'm from Indonesia but Im not a child, and I like this game.
Yess I will be 14 on November 2016 !!!
@JovianPat Thank You
I was writing a journal for research on this.
@MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation oh... I'm sorry, but Thank You.
SimplePlanes untuk pendidikan di Indonesia kayaknya keren juga :) MERDEKA!
@hopotumon no I'm from UAE
@MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation never mind, It just kiding. Are You from Indonesia too?
@hopotumon xD I'm not 14 Lol I'm just saying that my birthday is just one day from his lol
@MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation Thank You. Are You also still 14?
You are all the amazing generation.
@MrWarPac yes... this game is very good for You. Tell all of your friends to play this game.
@MrWarPac December 15th?! Holy damn that's one day from my Birthday!
@AndrewGarrison take a look at this!
I was born on December 15th 2002
@hopotumon 13
@MrWarPac Okay, thank You. How old are You?
if the age is over 30 years old like me, take your little brother to play simpleplanes.
@Brields95 Yes it is true, that simpleplanes not to operate the flight simulator, but simpleplanes is a simulation to aircraft design. The method we can apply are: observing (see direct or viewing pictures and watching blue print), reasoning (how the aircraft works), trying (design, build and test fly), discussing (through forums we can talk about everything regarding aircraft from history to the technical specifications and mutual commenting on aircraft design uploaded), and communicating (highlight and publicize aircraft design). Students also acquire aircraft mock-up design with EUCL3D print.
I propose that Simpleplanes, while a great physics simulator, is not at all realistic as far as actually opperating a plane, and listenning to an ATC. It doesn't even have valid flight instruments.
I'm indonesian : )