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139k BaconEggs  8.5 years ago

I'm going to go over some things I think are broken on this website. This is only my opinion.


Now, when you go on the front page, you see some featured, and highest rated planes. What's sad, is that Platinum (or, should I say "Carbon") users never get featured. And yes, that does make some sense because 25K+ points is a lot of points, and they should have a whole lot of attention. But, let's say there is a platinum user that makes a cool plane, but doesn't have a whole lot of followers, which means not a lot of attention. Sadly it never gets featured. I'm affected like this too, what are my 166 followers doing? I know one of them is in China (you know who that is), but 20-30 of them actually look at my stuff a download them, but the remaining 146-136 aren't doing anything. I mean, you are following my for a reason, right? So you can download my next creation, and so on. Say there are two different replicas of the same aircraft, and they both are different from each other. One is larger, more detailed, but bigger than the real one. The other one is smaller, less detailed, and less accurate. Let's have the smaller, less detailed one get twice as much attention as the better one. I'm not even joking on that one. So, what I'm saying is, let the Platinum people be featured! Points don't matter!


Now, one small bug in the spotlighting system is that when I view my Jet Stream, I click on every one I see. And yet, some of the same planes show up because they're spotlighted. How it should work, is that once you click on one plane, it can't show up another time, or it can only show up once. My other point, is similar to what I said earlier, is that points don't matter. Now, let's say there is a gold user with 11 followers, and a silver user with 52. Let's say the silver user makes a really cool plane, and the gold user spotlights it. It gets 2 more upvotes and 3 more downloads. You know what I'm saying about points don't matter? It should be that users with more followers can spotlight. One last thing, until I continue, is that there should be a "share" thing. Basically it gives you a link, and you can share it with your followers, or something on the lines of that.

One last thing, one last treat before I wrap this up, to spread the positive vibes.


Go ahead, click on my name. Go on then, click on it. Come on! It's not that hard!

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    1,387 Goldenp

    Ikr I'm still silver and I am hearing a lot of these problems @DandruffCat

    8.5 years ago
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    14.1k DandruffCat

    Are your glasses Harley Davidson?

    I think we have the same :)

    Also, I agree. I feel like some of my planes should be featured, they do sometimes get excessive downloads. I've never had a feature before and I don't know why. Maybe because of the 13 or so followers. Even still, I can usually get 150 downloads on a hours build.

    8.5 years ago