Are there any attributes that cause a delay in inputs? Or any way to reverse the operation of a control surface or rotator using AG groups mid flight?
Are there any attributes that cause a delay in inputs? Or any way to reverse the operation of a control surface or rotator using AG groups mid flight?
@Fillo5ophy I tried the same, but without the same effect. Upload it if you can
For canards I've simply used two rotators attached to one another set to rotate in opposite directions at differing speeds and angles. Messing around with the angle and speed helps to find the desired effects. I'll upload the canard design of my Su-33 if you guys wanna check it out
@oDDDynamics It'does have so many uses. Definitely gonna put that in the user voice, I would like something lIke that to create more realistic elevator and canard movement
@Fillo5ophy similar to the FBW system you have on your SU35 Flanker
Not that I am aware of.