Well, they tried to make a multiplayer, but they ended up just scrapping it to work on making other things for the game. That was over a year ago. Unstable and HellFireKoder are making a mod, though, so yeah.
@MindWarehouse Why dont you go make a game, and then reprogram it for one simple thing? If you attempt this, you will realize it takes a lot more time than people think. Some games can take a year or two to make. Just be patient, and be happy with what you have. I am sorry if I appear rude, but it gets on almost everyone's nerves when the idea is suggested. Also, think about the devs. They are people with lives, and probably families.
Well, they tried to make a multiplayer, but they ended up just scrapping it to work on making other things for the game. That was over a year ago. Unstable and HellFireKoder are making a mod, though, so yeah.
@MindWarehouse Why dont you go make a game, and then reprogram it for one simple thing? If you attempt this, you will realize it takes a lot more time than people think. Some games can take a year or two to make. Just be patient, and be happy with what you have. I am sorry if I appear rude, but it gets on almost everyone's nerves when the idea is suggested. Also, think about the devs. They are people with lives, and probably families.
@MasterManufacturing Well, It doesn't seem like they're goning to release it anytime soon.
@AeroEngineering yes, that is true.
Maybe the devs should reprogram the game AND reprogram the drag physics@AeroEngineering
@KnightOfAraluen @BungieChair once a long time ago the devs said they wouldn't implement resizable blocks.
@CaesiciusPlanes 2 persons, Hellfirekoder and UnstableOrbit, they actually made a big step in the process of making it.
@KnightOfAraluen Well now I see.
@BungieChair The devs have said they wont add it because it would involve reprogramming the entire game.
@KnightOfAraluen Then why wont it be added?
It will never be added.