I just had an idea "Simpleplanes: Building Set Toys". They would be little pieces modeled after the game pieces and would magnets in them so you connect them with each other and build planes. There would also be special pieces: The rotators would be able to spin, same with wheels. Landing gear would spin like wheels. Shock would have a spring and pistons would be able to move in and out. So thets my idea.
@bolt and it was 1989 programing is very different now
@bolt this new programing is beyond me and i did mine back in russia
Yes I have@Smasher
@bolt 👻
@bolt ive done my quals in programing in 1989
@bolt have you heard of disturbed sound of silence cause you've just typed some of the lyrics lol
You can get an exact version of SP planes Creation by purchasing from EUCL3D or whatever .....for the toy idea ...thats amazing(but you cant resize stuff XD) It would be amazing to build the exact thing tou built thru SP
You mean a whole plane made from inline parts that have snap attach points... Play KSP
Smasher learn how to make toy molds and make that or learn to program and make sp chest@Smasher
Be amazing@Smasher
"Hello darkness my old friend ive come to talk to you again" :(@ThePlot
I'm a kid I would buy my little planes in real life and play with them instead of hanging out with u guys
Call it "Merchandise"
That way people like arcues don't get triggered (no offense, just an example xD)
Simple planes chess any one ? Lol {|]
the unwritten rule is that you're not supposed to play with toys between the ages of 15 and 30, it's just uncool!
After 30 you're already uncool, so it's okay again.
I personally never stopped, I'm a rebel like that.
How isn't this a kid game? @arcues
nice idea I like it I love legos and minecraft AND simpleplanes and tons of other games so it sound fun!
@arcues also it is Rated E for Everyone. Kids, teens, adults, elders, and so on.
@arcues yes is is...
How old do you think most users on sp are?
@arcues but I think it would be cool to be able to build "simple"-planes in real life and possibly mapp out what i want to build in the game.
this isint kid game