@Smasher Well. I know the creator of the Mini-Map mod, and that was done with a very high up camera, and no real code trickery. Your proposal may be possible in XML, if you add a detacher to the cockpit, it will become a separate body, and you can change the COG. This may mess up a missiles path, but i'm not quite sure.
@MechWARRIOR57 yes i know but missles track the cock pit so you move the propriety that the missle tracks the effect is misses apear to be jamed and the missle misses
well mod request was meant for people who cant or don't know how to XML mod which is were you modify a part like increasing the RPS of a minigun not for mods
XML and Mods are 2 different things
and just be less aggressive next time also@Smasher
@MechWARRIOR57 seriously someone made a mini map so its posibal some one maybe not you but someone else may know how ok
All the mod has to do is trick the radar into thinking that the target is else ware so now you should know what i mean ?
@Smasher Well. I know the creator of the Mini-Map mod, and that was done with a very high up camera, and no real code trickery. Your proposal may be possible in XML, if you add a detacher to the cockpit, it will become a separate body, and you can change the COG. This may mess up a missiles path, but i'm not quite sure.
@xXxMLGDOGE603xXx and i dont make interiors
@xXxMLGDOGE603xXx already got the gps iv uploaded a buggy a while ago whith gps
I like e GPS mod I always try to put the GPS in vehicles with interior
@Sauce its for a little project called project phenix
@LuKorp k
@Sauce oo
< Wow ok
@LuKorp i'm better than him... jk lol he taught me the basics of unity
@MechWARRIOR57 yes i know but missles track the cock pit so you move the propriety that the missle tracks the effect is misses apear to be jamed and the missle misses
@Smasher Yes, Space Balls.
well mod request was meant for people who cant or don't know how to XML mod which is were you modify a part like increasing the RPS of a minigun not for mods
XML and Mods are 2 different things
and just be less aggressive next time also@Smasher
No i alreay have a gps i was using it as an exsample @BlueCobraCreations
@Gestour and also its mod request its not imposibal
@Gestour seriously a space balls joke ?
@MechWARRIOR57 sorry if im a little agresive im exmiltry russian sgt and the catogory is mod request
And no need to be aggressive
@Smasher ok well even tho your asking alot and how was I supposed to know you meant a mod and a GPS should be pretty easy
@MechWARRIOR57 seriously someone made a mini map so its posibal some one maybe not you but someone else may know how ok
All the mod has to do is trick the radar into thinking that the target is else ware so now you should know what i mean ?
you have to stick you device in a Jar of Grape Jam, that's as close as you'll get.
you cant make that
not possible