Hello everyone! Today, you can ask me any question you want to! (Except personal info) and I will answer it!
So, go ahead and ask away!
Hello everyone! Today, you can ask me any question you want to! (Except personal info) and I will answer it!
So, go ahead and ask away!
@DisferGoatz I is Fjorge
But I is Goat King that's for sure @Fjorge
Cool beans @Fjorge
@DisferGoatz :( oh and I look at old posts of good ppl when I am bored
No I is not Bob @Fjorge
Is you bob?
By far my favorite comment! Congrats to you my friend lol@joeysellers
@drdoom222 yeah
@DisferGoatz quick
@DisferGoatz a penny.
@drdoom222 I dunno.
@DisferGoatz I have a head and a tail but no body in between and I love to frolic in the reeds. What am I?
@drdoom222 I don't know
(I don't care either)
@DisferGoatz Y U NO OM NOM?
@drdoom222 Nope.
@joeysellers sadly not.
@CaesiciusPlanes I don't know, maybe getting almost 50 upvotes on my solar system.
@Tully2001 because it is.
@Skyfalcon Sopwith Camel
@GoldenEagle varies what I do.
@AmerigoB F-111
@destroyerP I don't know what in the name he looks like, so no.
lol @joeysellers
Ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?
Do you want to made PhilipTarpley
What's your favourite fighter?
Do you remember when we first met and we did some kind of roleplay?
Real question: What do you seem to do when you are always approached by and always being noticed by other people?