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I will be making working controlls for cockpit views for only one upvote!

5,966 livetoplay11  8.6 years ago

If you give me one upvote then I will make a cockpit view on any of your planes! But don't give me a small space to do it because I can't XML. Any way that's the price so pay and I will make working controlls. (NOTE: I will make them only if I can. I will give it a try, tell you if I can or not, and if I can't then you can remove your upvote.) Leave the name off your plane in the comments and I'll add conrolls if I can. P.S. Say if you want stick controlls or steering wheel controlls and (OF COURSE) I'll mention you in the desc.

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    5,966 livetoplay11

    @Sniper16 I'll try again later but right now it not looking to good.

    8.6 years ago
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    na ill stick with mine then i can say i built it and be proud of it because if i have someone else build it i wont deserve any of the points and unless you have REALLY good quality na

    8.6 years ago
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    5,966 livetoplay11

    @Sniper16 And Stick or Wheel?

    8.6 years ago
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    5,966 livetoplay11

    @Sniper16 I need to remodle the cockpit, is that ok? (I can't do it in one cockpit block silly)

    8.6 years ago
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    5,966 livetoplay11

    @Sniper16 Ok, I'll try!

    8.6 years ago