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Update 1.5 is a saddening small for how many people work on SP and how long it took...

2,998 DarkLithium  8.6 years ago

Update 1.5 has 2 new blocks and a feature that has been requested since fuselage was a thing. This is terrible considering how long it to release the update and the amount of people working on the game. I've seen more done in unreal with one guy, Unity isn't all that hard to work with especially with the community that Unity has.

This isn't mean insulting the devs but more on what was happening during all that time they were working on it.

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    I can't wait for simple Rockets 2.0 if he is sacked

    8.6 years ago
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    2,998 DarkLithium

    @SkyShot I don't even play the game. Update didn't grab my attention enough to bother with re-installing the game

    8.6 years ago
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    2,998 DarkLithium

    @Viper28 Give my years of experience, Unity pro, and a job. Then I can

    8.6 years ago
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    29.2k Viper28

    Boo, they added plenty off stuff, lets see you go code 20 new blocks into the game :p

    8.6 years ago
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    69.5k deusalgor

    Ok, you forgot about races, bug fixes, CONVOYS, improvements for modders, AI tweaks and more. And after beta started they was here almost 24/7 fixing the bugs and polishing this update. And all this while developing another multiplatform game with co-op announced. I know bigger teams with bigger budgets that move slower in developing then Jundroo. If you have actual skills with unity so you can write things like that - go to uservotes, pick some idea and write mod with that. With that you will help devs, community and your words will have more weight. No offense, have a nice day.

    8.6 years ago
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    49.1k Flightsonic

    The business side of things:
    If they were to add everything you'd want in an instant, the game would dye out due to lack of updates, not to mention what you're adding has the work on mobile as well.

    8.6 years ago
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    @oDDDynamics They are 5 Clickity clickity and they are working on 2 different games at the same time, they are not the power rangers, so yeah, people aren't saying thanks enough nowadays, Philip and Andrew guys quit their jobs at Boeing to make games for us and some people aren't thankful enough, luckily, you know that the devs work really hard

    8.6 years ago
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    @oDDDynamics yeah #REKT

    8.6 years ago
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    you do know mods have lives they cant moderate 24/7 either and they cant give out bans they have to request the devs to ban them and just give them a break unless you can make a whole large community and make 2 games at the same time and give out bans just with you and a few mods quit your bellyacheing and deal with it @DarkLithium

    8.6 years ago
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    2,998 DarkLithium

    @MechWARRIOR57 Moderators. They can easily work 8-5, especially since its been almost 5 months since the last update. You have to realize Unity is a basic engine and Jundroo has a few programmers

    8.6 years ago
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    well you try and manage a community and develop 2 games which are getting tons of request and still be able to work on games and have a personal life basicly I'm saying it might not only be the game and from what has been said boat parts are coming it 1.6 and i mean they cant work on a game 24/7

    8.6 years ago