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STOP using highest rated as the home page.

10.4k RandyAndSonsAircraft  8.5 years ago

Im not asking to make my account homepage or something retarded like that, but highest rated rarely shows newer players cool builds, hottest for example gives everyone a chance if the plane does well at first.
instead of getting 999 upvotes to get on the homepage, it should work by getting X upvotes in a certain time frame after the plane was released.
it would really give people under gold to get the chance of getting first page. and im really kinda sick of only seeing pretty much only people with gold and above on first page. the system currently, you could argue the current system highlights more detailed builds, but what does it matter? #MakeSPsimpleAgain

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    I have two planes on the first page and I'm silver :P

    8.5 years ago
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    @joeysellers Please make it editable. I don't want to see wonderful builds alongside things that are just a few blocks. or rather keep the after-login page the Jet stream page and the simpleplanes home as what it is now! thanks

    8.5 years ago
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    Keep in mind that our home page also serves as the first thing that people see when they come to our website, from the new players to (most importantly) potentially new players who look before they shop.
    That being said, we have been throwing around the idea that anybody who registered an account with the website would see their jet stream as their home page, for example.

    8.5 years ago
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    I totally agree. Built a jet yesterday that I worked on for 2 days and only 5 people noticed it. No upvotes or comments. I worked hard on it and put Time in the description

    8.5 years ago
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    17.2k GoldenEagle

    I totally agree with you

    8.5 years ago