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Command and Conquer RolePlay S2: GLA Wages Jihad Against the PR + Biological Warfare

17.2k GoldenEagle  8.5 years ago

GLA Wages Jihad Against the PR
Commander Omar "Sharky" Gazali: Ready the Scuds! We will launch it at the infided who brought the diseased!
GLA Soldier: Sir! We have reports from Katipunia that they found an old stash of old GLA weapons in the Island of Sulu, and they found some Marauder Tanks restored and ready
GLA Captain: Commander! Scuds are ready!
Commander Omar "Sharky" Gazali: Tell them that they will ship us an equal amount of tanks and weapons, we will share the weapons and tanks with them
GLA Soldier: fahum!
Commander Omar "Sharky" Gazali: Launch at 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Launch!
GLA Captain: Launching!
[Scuds launch]
Commander Omar "Sharky" Gazali: Let them rain on the infidels! Even if we are technologically inferior than them! We can sting them like a scorpion, strike at them like a cobra, and we will prevail!
GLA Soldiers: For the GLA!!!
GLA Radio Operator: Commander! I should have told you this myself, but the guy didnt come back, so, here it is, They finally agreed about the weapons and tanks, and they will ship it through Arabia and to us
Commander Omar "Sharky" Gazali: eazim! Tell them that the payment will come
GLA Radio Operator: They also said that we don't need to pay
Commander Omar "Sharky" Gazali: Hmm, let's give them a certain amount as a token of appreciation
GLA Radio Operator: Roger, Contacting the Palace
Commander Omar "Sharky" Gazali: Now, we'll just wait for the shipment to arrive
GLA Captain: Umm, Sir? What are the Scuds' warhead is made out of?
Commander Omar "Sharky" Gazali: Our typical Anthrax Beta and Anthrax Gamma

Biological Warfare
(Still Writing)

Treaty Section:

Notable Events:
Great World War 2 (February 2088-Present)

Date: April 2088


Countries & Territories:

Argentina (Orange)[Republic]
Leader: FetiYetiIndustries
Alliance: UWP

Avarua (Bazaar)[Stratocracy]
Leader: Mudkip
Members: DankDorito
Alliance: AFP, UWP

Awwam (Green)[Caliphate]
Leader: tanklovers/MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation
Members: Supermini555, exosuit, DJbanana, RMark1, CaesiciusPlanes, hopotumon, Himynameiswalrus, shukurneon, TimeTraveller
Alliance: NRNW, UMN, UWP

Chechnya (Cyan)[Muslim Republic]

Democratic Republic of Poland (Dark Olive Green)[Democratic Republic]
Leader: DRP
Alliance: UWP

Empire of Rako (Lime)[Theodemocracy]
Leader: Pluto

Great African Empire (Light Grey)[Closed Democracy]
Leader: LeHoneyBadger
Alliance: UWP

Excellent Arabian Caliphate (Asphalt)[Caliphate]
Leader: MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation
Alliance: UWP

Independent Territories of Taiwan (Turqoise)[Stratocracy]
Leader: Viper28
Alliance: UWP

Japan (Tan)[Territorial Republic]
Leader: MikuKat
Alliance: NRNW, UWP

Katipunia (Light Blue)[Republic] Neutral
Leader: GoldenEagle

Lanzarrian Conglomerate (Yellow)[Communist]
Leader: JakeTheDogg
Alliance: Slavic Union, UWP

NFK (Pink)[Socialist Republic]
Leader: PINK
Alliance: NRNW, UWP

Paternian Republic (Blue)[Federal Republic]
Leader: Pilotmario
Alliance: NRNW

Portugal (Dark Green)[Democratic Republic]
Leader: 1gman4evr
Alliance: CFPA

Republic of Sals (Blue-Violet)[Territorial Republic] Neutral?
Leader: SimpleTechAndResearch
Members: Mox
Alliance: UWP


Chinese Red Army/CRA [Seperatist Group, Independence Group]
Country of Origin: China
Country of Allegiance:

Persian Anti-Communist Jihad Group/PACJG [Anti-Communist Jihad Group]
Country of Origin: Persia
Country of Allegiance: Arabia

Global Liberation Army/GLA [Islamic Liberation Group]
Leader: Sharky
Country of Origin: Awwam, Arabia, GAE, Russia, Colombia, Bosnia
Country of Allegiance: Arabia

Katipunia [Independence Group, Anti-Communist Group, Anti-Imperialist Group, Democratic Group]
Leader: GoldenEagle
Country of Origin: Philippines, Sabah, Vietnam, Former Auruna
Country of Allegiance: Rako, Sals, GAE

Nations and Factions involved in the Biological War

Awwam, Avarua, Arabia, GAE

Nations and Factions involved in the GLA Jihad against the PR


For MORE info, see this UWP World Statistics Page (Old)

Rules & How to Join

-Do not be a jerk
-Do not be OP or else, you will be kicked out
-Wars can continue if the parties are both online, and the ones with the "Offline" tag, cannot be attacked
-You can have up to 3 Alliancesn(The UWP Alliance is exempted from this rule)
-Alliances can only have 6 Nations and 8 Territories
-Do not forget to tag me if you made a creation for the RP
-Taking land will take a long time, not in an instant
-Leaders can make choices for his/her country
-Attacking a neutral country may result in every other country and group target the certain country who attacks a neutral one
-Do not be too rude to others, especially to MikuKat (If anyone is being rude to you Miku, tell it to Me or LeHoneyBadger)
-No Swearing, or Censor the Swear word
-You can be a part of both a group and a nation
-You can freely trade/buy/sell tech and equipment
-To join, enter the following: Name (Color)[Government Type/Group Type]
That's all for the rules! And I will update it whenever possible

Banned Stuff: Teleportation(external), Anti-Matter Weapons(With exceptions), Cloning, Superweapon Spam

Moderators: MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation, [SimpleTechAndResearch], [Pilotmario]

Requirements for being a Moderator

-Must be in a Neutral, Not at war country/Not in the RP already
-Must be online everytime
-Must have read the rules

RP Idea and Main Story by GoldenEagle (Me)

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    How can i join?

    8.4 years ago
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    @EternalDarkness If you do join us. You can assist us in making the biggest navy. Since we already have the Largest Equipment available. But I pity Pilotmario so it's fine if you join him

    8.4 years ago
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    @DankDorito Lol yeah sure go ahead just don't touch the Black Part. Oh and the White part im between the two black parts is now EAC Territory

    8.4 years ago
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    148k Pilotmario

    @SimpleTechAndResearch Remember, neutrality isn't worth crap unless you have a big army to back it up. Which Auruna didn't have.

    8.4 years ago
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    148k Pilotmario

    @SimpleTechAndResearch I know that now.

    But at least I got what I wanted.


    8.4 years ago
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    30.9k DankDorito

    UNSR Attacks the white part of Antarctica.

    8.4 years ago
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    @Pilotmario You should not have listened to Himynameiswalrus...

    8.4 years ago
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    8.4 years ago
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    @Pilotmario I thought something like a short briefing, just so I know what to make. I don't have the time for RPs.

    8.4 years ago
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    148k Pilotmario

    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation It does. Power has an effect on the person.

    I think the real losers of the war was the NFK and Auruna, as both nations had their territories decimated.

    8.4 years ago
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    148k Pilotmario

    @EternalDarkness There isn't much space to choose from.

    8.4 years ago
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    @TemDesBur this is main RP If you have any questions ask me or GoldenEagle

    8.4 years ago
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    Feels weird being the big shark here...

    8.4 years ago
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    @PINK yeah. I'm sorry for taking China by force. You want it back?
    @Pilotmario I guess it's a deal

    8.4 years ago
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    148k Pilotmario

    Doubt he will let you. @PINK

    8.4 years ago
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    67.8k PINK

    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation Can we remove all of our military resources from Greenland.

    8.4 years ago
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    148k Pilotmario

    Sure. I suppose.

    Also, we are calling back our Navy. @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation

    8.4 years ago
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    @Pilotmario And you also shouldn't Attack Greenland...

    8.4 years ago
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    @Pilotmario another sigh I'll give you United States as Long as we Have Canada. And that you don't move through half of South America. Ok?

    8.4 years ago
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    148k Pilotmario

    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation Sounds good!

    Now, about leaving our spheres of influence divided across the Prime Meridian? We have influence over all that is east of the Bering Sea, and you have influence over all that is west of it.

    8.4 years ago
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    @Pilotmario here the link to that comment. Gosh I can't believe it's been so long since I made that comment. It felt like yesterday... And alot of other too

    8.4 years ago
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    148k Pilotmario

    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation Yep.

    8.4 years ago
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    @Pilotmario Lmfao that's what Activision always does

    8.4 years ago
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    @Pilotmario To be Honest we Assumed and Took Control of Antarctica since I was High Commander. I did Release a statement Declaring war and all Captured territory that at the time the Defector was part of Awwam is Property of Awwam. The Walrus Alliance Allied with us Shortly after.

    8.4 years ago
  • Profile image
    148k Pilotmario

    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation I mean, I still make versions of the second plane I uploaded to the site, and crank them out like Call of Duty games from Activision.

    8.4 years ago
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