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Get Rid of the Bullet Spread!

30.4k ChiChiWerx  8.5 years ago

So, we don't have guns we can mount on the fuselage, except for the mini/gatling gun. However, that doesn't help us for P-38s, F-5s, Me-109s, Fw-190s, Mosquitos, etc., etc. The community has developed a work-around...nudging small wing sections into fuselages and mounting the nose guns that way. However, now we have bullet spread, which inhibits our ability to have tightly mounted fuselage guns as the bullets tend to spread and hit fuselage sides as the guns are fired. Suggest we get rid of bullet spread.

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    15.5k iMxr


    8.4 years ago
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    30.4k ChiChiWerx

    @503rdAirborneSoldier yes, it does except when you're trying to build a replica with guns tucked into the sides of the fuse (A-4, F-100, F-105, Crusader, G.91, just to name a few).

    8.4 years ago
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    15.5k iMxr

    No. Bullet spread gives it a nice affect._. Dont get rid of it-.-

    8.4 years ago
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    15.6k Rcb1235

    If the bullet spread is made to start 10 blocks after it leaves the gun, I think this would solve the problem.

    8.5 years ago
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    30.4k ChiChiWerx

    @TrainDude well, yeah...but it shouldn't be that difficult, should be an option that most any user can easily adjust. At least, that's my recommendation.

    8.5 years ago
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    30.4k ChiChiWerx

    @Thomasj041, sure, agreed, anything but the default!

    8.5 years ago
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    18.3k Thomasj041

    A bullet spread slider would be a better option in my opinion.

    8.5 years ago