Who needs escorts when you can outrun the attacking plane? And that attacker happens to be a spacecraft... with a topspeed of 2000mph in low atmosphere...
Who needs escorts when you can outrun the attacking plane? And that attacker happens to be a spacecraft... with a topspeed of 2000mph in low atmosphere...
Physics at the time of recording was drunk.
Tell him to go home
@Brields95 i dont even....
@deusalgor oge yes
@deusalgor It was supposed to be a joke, but whatever. To be honest, with most of these video posts I make, you shouldn't take them seriously.
So you pushed it away with overweighted bullets and complaining about it's speed? Really?
Why use airplanes on a aircraft carrier if the carrier goes faster?
Logic, comrade
@Brields95 I dunno man
What the...