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If I see another P-51.....

4,081 CMS1288  8.5 years ago

Seems like all I see lately is "P-51 2.0," "P-51 3.5," "P-51 Beast," etc. I always go through the newest category, but it's always flooded with old airplanes, like the P-51, just strapped with crazy wings, weapons, and engines. I'm glad I don't see too many upvotes for them however.

Thing is, we can kinda tell when a plane is uploaded and it's a new player's creation that they tried hard to make- and I love those. But in sharing the same sentiment with others I feel there are too many "bootlegged" uploads that are there for upvotes while legitimate creativity is being ignored.

Rant over... Anyone else feel the same?

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    @CMS1288 Just report them. But honestly I like when people make pre existing models into good looking replicas. that's why I do it.

    8.5 years ago
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    Mod DeezDucks

    @Brields95 I don't remember anything "going" and I do believe I would've won if there was :)

    8.5 years ago
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    4,081 CMS1288

    Don't get me wrong, it's not the P-51 plane itself, it's the rehash of the simple model that's been in the game from the beginning. But I think we all get a little snarled seeing a pre-made plane get upvotes for a new paint job and weapons galore. Same happens with the F-18 "Wasp" too. It's not a big deal at the end of the day, but when you put a lot of effort into an original creation and it gets lost in clones of P-51's it stinks because that's why no one looks at the newest section.

    8.5 years ago
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    121k belugasub

    Wait did i agree with your point?

    8.5 years ago
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    121k belugasub

    Yup totaly agree.people should make new ideas.i often see new players like 0-200 points makeing a variation of a really popular plane. I hate people makeing coppies of other masterpices. If your not good then get good,practice and don't repost a plane where someone has worked their butt off makeing all day and change the paint or something.even though im not very good at simpleplanes i have never made a copy of a popular plane and I have a desent ammount of points. Copying dosent do annything.sometimes when i look at new planes I see one that blows my mind beacause a noob made it but then I see its actually someone elses plane.never ever upvote a copied plane.

    8.5 years ago
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    1,289 HeskeyTime

    Yea sometimes my best work is ignored, and i feel disappointed, i never just slap weapons on a build and call it my own

    8.5 years ago
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    If I see a P-51 2.0 i just ignore it. now don't get me wrong, my first legitament P-51 build was basically it, but I made an effort to make it look like a real mustang, with the belly scoop. Then me and @Deezducks kinda had a thing going on to see who could get the best mustang, and he would ultimately get far more upvotes. however don't count me out yet.

    8.5 years ago