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Midway Atoll?

1,057 Cerdon  8.5 years ago

It would be nice if the custom map community (a small one I know but still) could you make midway atoll these two strategic islands were attacked by Japan in 1942 as it made a important refueling point and was a critical point due to its proximity to Hawaii it also had and airfield the plan was for the Japanese to surprise attack the Americans with their main fleet luring the American carrier so the fleet could destroy them. Once the last 3 remainsAmerican carriers in the whole us fleet where finished the Japanese battleships would destroy the remenets of the American fleet and midway with their big guns. However the American code breakers intercepted messages about a mysterious code named island was to be attacked admiral Nimitz had a hunch they were talking about midway so the sent a fake easy to hack message saying midway needed more water as it was running out sure enough the Japanese messengers gave the code name out with the message is out of water the Americans would set out and surprise the Japanese. But Yorktown was heavily damaged after the battle of the coral sea and would take months of repair to be battle ready but they didn't have time and so began one of the greatest feats of American engineering where builders plumbers and carpenters spent three full days working tirelessly day and night and in the case of a striaght up miracle the Yorktown was ready for battle. During the battle brave pilots using a variety of planes came back heroes after a desicive victory against a numerically and technologically superior enemy losing one carrier cv Yorktown while destroying all 4 enemy carriers this Japan would never regain the upper hand as America had two cvs in service and six in production while Japan only had 1 cv and 1 in production. Ps im not sure if I was totally accurate pls correct me if im wrong.