Adding a block with changeable buoyancy would allow building submarines and would make building ships much easier. I mean the possibility to adjust the buoyancy not just while building but while being out on the map.
Why not make this game SimpleSubmarines too?
@Jagdpanzer well you just mentioned that people can make subs with pistions so this buoyancy slider may just be unnecessary. I understand with this slider it may make it easier however making subs may not be easy.
@GINGER01 Well, it depends on how accurate you can adjust the buoynacy but I think if people are able to build working submarines with pistons as "oDDDynamics" mentioned there will be even more people who can do it with adjustable buoyancy.
@HeskeyTime I stillbirth ink by adding this there will be much of any increase of popularity with subs. It may be hard to compliment into the game because water physics are different than air. Plus say you have this slider and you want to descend so you pit the slider on 0% buoyancy so the sub will go down. The sub will continue to go down until you add buoyancy let say 10%. How ever 10% buoyancy may bring the sub back up to the surface. So the slider won't really help.
@GINGER01 the only reason that people don't make functioning submarines alot is because they are not easily created. Also iOS and android users can't because water is not transparent.
@GINGER01 Yes, I mean changing buoyancy in (test) flight mode. And I think submarines and ships would be more popular if it would be possible/easier to build them. Anyway thanks for the hint with "user voice".
You can change the buoyancy of fuselage blocks in the editor. However are you saying that you want to change the buoyancy in test flight mode? If so then that would be really useless because that would be the only thing used for submarines and subs are not the most popular thing on this game. However you can always pit your idea in the user voice so the devs can see it.