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The New Beginnings EP 1 [Formations]

1,002 ArrowDart  8.4 years ago

Current Date:2046

2046:Many new countries form, the most powerful of these are the Northern Federation of Korea and the New States of America

Formation of the NFK:Unknown

Formations of the NSA:Survivors in the US, Canada. and Mexico start communicating with each other, interested in starting a new USA. All survivors meet up at [CLASSIFIED]. choosing the New States Of America. New York being the capital of this country and largest. with a GDP Of 20.4 Trillion USD theyre currently the 1st in the countries by GDP

TNMR:The New Michigan Republic is a Democratic nation in based Michigan. The Nation was started by American and Canadian survivors, who wanted to bring back civilization . Their capital is New Detroit. They have a Navy, which is made out of old Freighters converted for combat. They are Famous for their automotive industry which manufactures a small amount of trucks and cars. They are also known for their fleet of old freighters that help carry most of the goods and metals such as Taconite in the Great Lakes. Their main source of income is lake transport. They are also trying to make their own ships to make money, increase trade, for defense, and to advance the world.
They have a Nuclear powerplant which is the Enrico Fermi Nuclear Generating Station, but the place had a meltdown when it was abandoned making it not in use anymore. The Republic heavily defends the place with their own special unit called the Lambda, so people cannot be contaminated, and so it cannot be used for terrorism. The Republic is not interested in using it, because they do not need it, and it is too risky to use.They currently trying to colonize the other part of Michigan.

The Monarchy of Araluen {Monarchy}

Free peoples of the Derp Republic {Democratic Republic}

The New States Of America {Federal Republic}
United marines of the galaxy {Unknown}

Northern Federation of Korea {Federal Republic}

The Empire Of Japan {Constitutional monarchy}

The New Michigan Republic {Democratic}


Antartic republic military services {Unknown}

Land Owned By
NSA:Parts of the US, Canada, Part of Mexico
NFK:China, Korea. Germany, Switzerland, all
Scandinavian countries and Nordic States, Mongolia
FPDR:Rest of United States?
TEOJ:Rest Of Japan.
TNMR: Michigan, Detroit

To join, please say the name of your country and government.
Do not be rude
No harassment
No OP Stuff

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    4,835 Patrick20206

    @ArrowDart When is the next episode going to start?

    8.4 years ago
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    South Carolina was hit especially hard in the war due to its spread out nuclear plants and multiple military bases. Leaving South Carolina a desolate wasteland with little to no remaining local life most of its citizens are from surrounding states it's blue ridge is the new state capital because of its size and ability to see far around with the mountains to still protect them. The state has whispers of succeeding from the NSA but all of those in the statehouse have no intention of leaving because
    South Carolina has little to no protection after all of its strategic bases where destroyed. At least all that's known...

    8.4 years ago
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    Ok then

    8.4 years ago
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    1,002 ArrowDart

    @Skyguy1313 anyone, and you can. Just don't take it by force, we will intervene. Hard.

    8.4 years ago
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    Dumb question can anyone join and if so can said person take South Carolina?

    8.4 years ago
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    67.8k PINK


    8.4 years ago
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    67.8k PINK

    You are going to be using your military for; internal policing, exploration, and convoy protection.
    You are sandwiched between a massive superpower and another decently sized nation . . . it is unlikely that the two nations will go to war with each other or attempt to take your tiny amount of land. You are already pretty safe.......@Patrick20206

    8.4 years ago
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    67.8k PINK

    We don't have any naval vessels . . . however we have most of the equipment listed.@Patrick20206

    8.4 years ago
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    4,835 Patrick20206

    SAMs, artillery,tanks, boats, armored trucks and cars, radar, and planes. Also a 2 Icebreakers @PINK

    8.4 years ago
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    67.8k PINK

    What kind of weapons? @Patrick20206

    8.4 years ago
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    4,835 Patrick20206

    @ArrowDart The TNMR wants to build military bases on the Canadian and American sides of the St. Lawrence river and the Erie Canal. To defend our ships, and to keep out invaders.

    8.4 years ago
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    4,835 Patrick20206

    @PINK The TNMR wants to have trade with your nation. We currently sending freighters loaded with goods to sell to Greenland, but they have armed escorts, because of piracy concerns. And after we are done selling our goods, we will be interested in buying arms, so we can defend ourselves. We are also sending scientists up north, to research the Arctic.

    8.4 years ago
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    67.8k PINK

    Let's be allies, however, you can still use Greenland's ports. @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation

    8.4 years ago
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    @PINK Yeah we Stopped it.

    8.4 years ago
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    67.8k PINK

    Can you stop MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorperation's rampage in Greenland, I wish to be your ally as well. @ArrowDart

    8.4 years ago
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    67.8k PINK

    Also, our Asian GDP alone is over 80 trillion Euros...and we have at least 120 million Euros combined. @ArrowDart

    8.4 years ago
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    67.8k PINK

    The NFK was formed out of an alliance that had formed just before the original war.....the name of this alliance isn't known, however it included many nations.
    The Nordic countries.....and teritories were left relatively unscathed. As they weren't, and aren't strategic locations, however Germany was steam rolled.....however.....Switzerland was almost left well alone.
    This was't the case in Asia, China was also steam rolled....with Mongolia used as simply a bridge between the Russians and China. Korea also fealt similar pain, however it was simply bombed the hell out of and discarded.
    The Mongols, left largely unscathed, simply existed, before expanding thought China, and to their surprise, when they went for Korea.....they were decimated. The Korea's now control all of the plots of land listed as part of the federation......however Korea its self is a federal republic.
    We currently have 900,870,765 inhabitants in Asia, and another 247,890,411 in Europe. @ArrowDart

    8.4 years ago
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    1,002 ArrowDart

    @Patrick20206 Okay, added!

    8.4 years ago
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    4,835 Patrick20206

    @ArrowDart I have a bio about the TNMR For the RP

    The New Michigan Republic is a Democratic nation in based Michigan. The Nation was started by American and Canadian survivors, who wanted to bring back civilization . Their capital is New Detroit. They have a Navy, which is made out of old Freighters converted for combat. They are Famous for their automotive industry which manufactures a small amount of trucks and cars. They are also known for their fleet of old freighters that help carry most of the goods and metals such as Taconite in the Great Lakes. Their main source of income is lake transport. They are also trying to make their own ships to make money, increase trade, for defense, and to advance the world.
    They have a Nuclear powerplant which is the Enrico Fermi Nuclear Generating Station, but the place had a meltdown when it was abandoned making it not in use anymore. The Republic heavily defends the place with their own special unit called the Lambda, so people cannot be contaminated, and so it cannot be used for terrorism. The Republic is not interested in using it, because they do not need it, and it is too risky to use.They currently trying to colonize the other part of Michigan.

    8.4 years ago
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    1,002 ArrowDart

    @PINK Okay

    8.4 years ago
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    67.8k PINK

    Also, we have Germany and Switzerland.......Japan is for Japan. @ArrowDart

    8.4 years ago
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    1,002 ArrowDart

    @PINK I would you to say how the NFK Formed.

    8.4 years ago