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Website Advertising?

33.1k AverroesIndustries  8.5 years ago

Using Google AdWords. The Revenue can be increased greatly. Introducing Ads is one step and Gaining the money needed is another. I suggest we put Ad Banners which dont use Flash and Ad's on the Forums too! Not on User Profiles however. This should really help the development of this game :)

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    Look at my comment@oDDDynamics

    8.5 years ago
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    1,757 VanNate


    8.5 years ago
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    14.4k BirdOfSteel

    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation some big youtubers are also playing simple planes (this jelly guy or weaselzone or poolitzer lp) and videos are the best ads

    8.5 years ago
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    @Flightsonic Minecraft is popular for its idea and the fact that youtubers play it nearly every day. Minecraft also has Ads on its sites.

    8.5 years ago
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    49.1k Flightsonic

    Here's an example a lot of people will recognize:
    Minecraft, there were never ads for that, even when it was an indie game in 2010 (not including the "free minecraft" scam ads)

    8.5 years ago
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    @MindWarehouse -_- It's for the best of the future of this game! 4 years and this can be (hopefully not) Defunct if there's money to keep rolling in. I understand you hate ads. But these won't be extremely irritating!

    8.5 years ago
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    Everybody hates ads. With all due respect... I completely fkin hate this idea. If Andrew started putting ads up it would like what @arcues said. That this game would be a sellout. The reason we don't have ads is because the game already costs money. It's like us paying to disable ads on some games.

    8.5 years ago
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    @Flightsonic A Community Hub Indeed. It shouldn't affect User Experience.
    @arcues what?

    8.5 years ago
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    8,354 arcues

    Sell out sell out

    8.5 years ago
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    49.1k Flightsonic

    Although it would maybe increase revenue, I'm not to sure it would sit well with an indie game like this, and this is more of a community hub than say a Wiki or something

    8.5 years ago