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Command and Conquer RolePlay S2: Country/Faction Stats #4

17.2k GoldenEagle  8.5 years ago

Reworked the format, Again

UPNW World Factbook

Country Stats



Government: Islamic Caliphate
Ideology: Arabic Sharia
Alliance: UPNW/UMN
UWP Membership: Primary
World Stats: Major Superpower
Language: Arabic/English/Turkish/Indo/Chinese/Urdu/Hindi/Ethiopian/Afghani/
Capital: Makkah
Regions: 58
Population: 4.6 billion
Manpower: 40 Million (Active); 900 Million Reserve)
Denonym: Awwamy or Dialect origins.
Literacy Rate: 70% (Arabic) 10% (English) (2% Hindi) (5% Urdu) (6% Chinese) (1% Indo) (0.5% Afghani) (5% Turkish) (5% Ethiopian) Total 100%
Tech: Futuristic/Advanced
GDP: $186.2 Trillion
Stability: 93%
Area: 56,166,361 km Squared (After Awwam-NFK War+Awwam-Paternian Republic)
Pop. Density: 1.5/1km²
Average Income: GD102,945 (Gold Dirham- D1=$13/€11)

Federal Republic of Berus
Local Name: Berus
Local Long Name:
UPNW Membership: Member
World Stats: Regional Power
National Motto:
Primary Religion:
Military Specialty:
Literacy Rate:
Pop. Density:
Average Income:


Excellent Arabian Caliphate
Government: Sunni Caliphate
Ideology: Arabic Sharia
Alliance: UMN/UPNW
UWP Membership: Member
World Stats: Developing Superpower
Language: Arabic/English
Capital: Makkah
Regions: 52
Manpower: 70 Million (Active); 230 Million Reserve)
Population: 473 million
Denonym: Awwami or ????
Literacy Rate: 100% (Arabic/Mixed)
Tech: Advanced/Futuristic
GDP: GD 17Trillion
Stability: 98%
Area: 10,926,000kmSquared
Pop. Density: 1.1/1km²
Average Income: GD83K

Eurasian Socialist Republic
Short Name: E.S.R.
Local Names: Too Many
Government: Federation/Federal Republic
UWNP Membership: Primary
Worlds Status: Superpower
National Motto: Nanesti udar po svobode! (Strike For Freedom!)
Languages: Italian, Greek, Slovokian, Russian, Korean, Norwegian, Icelandic, Finnish, Chinese, Chelesovgkian, Kazakh, Serbian, Bulgarian, Romainian, Macedonian, Bosnian, Turkish, Albanian, Danish, Sami, Faroese, etc...
Primary Religion: Christianity (Europe & UNSR)
Regions:90 (8 territories)
Capital: Stockholm (territory)
Manpower: 32 million (active), 140 million (reserve)
Specialty: Land Forces
Population: 1.978 billion
GDP:170 trillion euros, or 370 trillion SVC
Denoym: Federationer
Literacy Rate: 99% of our population can read, something
Tech: Advanced/Modern/Futuristic
Stability: 98%
Area: 22,873,172 SqK
Density: 87 Sqk
Average Income: €85,945
Nations Included:
Norway (territory)
NFK (Korea is a teritory)
USNR (Ural region is a territory)
Japan (Territory)
Finland (territory)
Denmark (territory)
Sweden (territory/Stockholm is a territory)
(All Nordic Nations are part of the same territory)

Great African Empire
Flag: GAE
Local Name:
Local Long Name:
Government: Closed Democracy
UPNW Membership: Primary
World Stats:Superpower
National Motto: United We Stand Strong, Seperated We Fall
Language:African, English. Japanese
Primary Religion:
Manpower: 2.6 Million (753k Reserve)
Population: 234.6 Million
Denonym: African
Literacy Rate: 87% African. 13% Japanese. 8% Other
Tech: Futuristic
GDP: 18.5 Trillion
Average Income: 78,857


Flag: Auruna
Alternate Flags: Civil Flag, Alternate Civil Flag (Note the Darker Colors)
Local Name: Katipuna
Local Long Name: (Aurun) Demokraziya Republika Katipuna, (Tagalog) Republika ng Katipunia
Government: Democratic Republic
Ideology: Capitalist Neutrality
Alliance: Slavic Union
UPNW Membership: Primary
World Stats: Developing Superpower
National Anthem: Yie Zuyuma Zemlya (The Golden Land)
National Motto: (Aurun) Zie Kruva, Zie Zemlya, Nie Nagruva!/(Tagalog) Sa Bansa, Sa Lahat, Tayo Aangat! (For the Country, For the People, We Rise!)
Language: Aurun (based on Slavic and German), Tagalog, English, and Regional Languages
Primary Religion: Christianity (Catholic-37%; Protestant-62%; Others-1%); Islam (Mindanao Only)
Capital: New Veratun
Regions: 23[Provinces]
Manpower: 2.5 Million (Active); 3.2 Million (Reserve)
Military Specialty: Ground Forces, Navy & Special Forces
Population: 236.2 Million (estimate)
Denonym: Aurun/Katipunian
Literacy Rate: 95%(English); 99%(Aurun); 99%(Tagalog)
Tech: Advanced Modern-Futuristic
GDP: $20.8 Trillion
Stability: 85%
Area: 18,673,902km²
Pop. Density: 10.7/1km²
Average Income: 88,155 AN$ (Aurun Dollars, 1 AN$=1USD)
Date format: dd/mm/yyyy
Drives on the: right
ISO 3166: KT
Internet TLD: .kt
Lanzarrian Conglomerate
Government: A Complicated Mix of Communism and Democracy
Ideology: Technological Utopianism
Alliance: UWP/UPNW, Slavic Union
UWP Membership: Member
World Status: Technologically Developing
Language: Russian, Japanese, German, English
Capital: New Maipu (In Chile)
Regions: 72
Manpower: 150 million active, 200 million reserve
Population: 490 million
Religions: (30%) Protestant, (43%) Russian Orthodox, (17%) Roman Catholic, (10%) Others
Denonym: Lanzarrian
Literacy Rate: 84%
Tech: Advanced Futuristic~
GDP: 21 trillion us dollars
Stability: 93%
Area: 13,827,024km²
Pop. Density: 7.9/1km²
Average Income: 120,000 US dollars


Paternian Republic
Short name: Paternia
Long name: Paternian Republic
Government: Federal Republic
Ideology: Democratic Socialist
Alliance: NRNW, UPNW
World Status: Great Power
Languages: English, French, Spanish, Arabic
Provinces: 10
Capital: New York City, North Eastern United States
Military: 50 million active, 100 million reserve
Population: 600 million
Religoins: Christian (55%), Muslim (35%), other (10%)
Denonym: Paternian
Literacy Rate: 95%
Tech: Advanced-futuristic
GDP: 34 Trillion Paternian Dollars (P)
Area: 13 million km^2
Population Density: 58ppl/km^2
Average income: 225,000 Paternian Dollars (P) (1 P = 5 USD)
Date format: dd/mm/yyyy (BCE)
Drives on the: right
ISO 3166: PR
Internet TLD: .pr


Empire of Rako


Independent Territories of Taiwan

Local name: UNSR
Local Long: Organizatsiya Ob"yedinennykh Natsiya Sovetskiye Respubliki
Government: Territorial Republic
Ideology: Democratic Neutrality
Alliance: UPNW
UPNW Membership: Member
World Stats: Regional Power
National Motto: Nanesti udar po svobode! (Strike For Freedom!)
Language: Russian, Kazakh, Czech
Primary Religion: Christianity-78% Muslim-21% Other-1%
Regions: 68[Provinces]
Capital: Deshnuk
Manpower: 2.7 Million (Active); 3.0 Million (Reserve)
Military Specialty: Ground Forces/Air Forces
Population: 227.1 Million (estimate)
Denonym: Soviet
Literacy Rate: 99%(Russian); 95%(English); 50%(Kazakh,Bulgarian,)
Tech: Advanced Modern-Futuristic
GDP: $11.6 Trillion
Stability: 93%
Area: 7,673,902km²
Pop. Density: 11.7/1km²
Average Income: 160,770 SVC ( Soviet Credits, 1 SVC= 2 USD)


African Communist Rebellion
Group Type: Rebellious Communist Group
Leader: General B'nia Ofan Guramadi
Ideology: Communism
Religion: Traditional African Religions
Language: African, Arabic
Manpower: 785K
Funds: $902.4 Million
World Stats: Terrorist Group
Threat Level: Med-High
Country of Origin: GAE
Country of Allegiance: None

Global Liberation Army/GLA
Group Type: Islamic Liberation Group
Leader: Commander Omar "Sharky" Gazali
Ideology: Islamic Sharia
Religion: Islam
Language: Arabic
Manpower: 10.3 Million
Funds: $2.2 Billion
World Stats:
Threat Level: None
Country of Origin: Awwam, Arabia, GAE, Russia, Bosnia
Country of Allegiance: Arabia

Hukbalahap/Hukbong Bayan Laban sa Hapon
Group Type: Anti-Japanese Group, Communist Group
Leader: San Gregorio del Hesus
Ideology: Communism
Religion: Catholic Christian
Language: Tagalog
Manpower: 5.9 Million
Funds: $301 Million
World Stats:
Threat Level: Low
Country of Origin: Philippines, Japan
Country of Allegiance: None

Armee Rouge Internationale/International Red Army
Group Type: Communist Group
Ideology: Communism
Religion: Undefined
Language: Undefined
Manpower: Undefined
Funds: Classified
World Stats:
Threat Level: Waiting for Report
Country of Origin: ???
Country of Allegiance:

Portuguese Communist Movement
Group Type: Communist Revolutionary Group
Ideology: Extreme Communism
Religion: Catholic Christian
Language: Portuguese
Manpower: 10.8 Million (due to Popular Support)
Funds: $2.9 Million (1.5 Million stolen)
World Stats: Violent Revolutionary Group
Threat Level: High
Country of Origin: Northern Portugal
Country of Allegiance:

Walrus Alliance

Requirements on being a Power (Regional, Superpower, etc...)

-Must have stats better than their neighbors, and must be the best one in a specific region (The region you are in is where your capital is located, i.e. Avarua - Rio de Janeiro is at South America even though they have overseas territories)

-Must have stats that are above the Regional Requirement
-Must be a Territory

-Must have stats that is increasing
-Must have a stable government (85%-89%)

- The economy must be above 50 Trillion
-Must have been on wars; Minimum is 5 wars (Being a support counts)
-Must have a very stable government (90% & above)
-Must have a sufficient military
-Must be a part of one Alliance
-Must have strong diplomatic relations with other countries; Minimum is 4 Countries

Main RP

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    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation Ok. Good.

    8.4 years ago
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    @PyrusEnderhunter Returned.

    8.4 years ago
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    For example, a promethean research craft accidentally lost power and crashed... will they be killed or returned?

    8.4 years ago
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    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation Ok. But what if they crash.....

    8.4 years ago
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    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation Well then......... so I guess they won't mind if they see a UFO crash into their department store on mistake...

    8.4 years ago
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    @PyrusEnderhunter What? I said Muslims in particular, it's not my fault everyone Decimated your nation, which had claims that were never put in effect lmao

    8.4 years ago
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    @PyrusEnderhunter They would be regarded as invading if they landed on Awwam without confirmation.

    8.4 years ago
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    So..... they feel threatened by a bunch of advanced humans but are not threatened by actual aliens........ the irony.

    8.4 years ago
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    @PyrusEnderhunter Indeed in Awwam, a majority of our population are Muslims, they know of the seen, and they know that there are the unseen, Regardless, Alien Life was discovered before, That 8-Feet Tall being would be regarded as something of the creator's creation, Just as everything else.

    8.4 years ago
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    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation So why would u declare war on them if they enter your space.... they are peaceful.

    8.4 years ago
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    Oops wrong punctuation.

    8.4 years ago
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    @PyrusEnderhunter yep

    8.4 years ago
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    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation So if you see a grey faced, noseless, 8 ft tall being walking around one of your cities they'll be treated as if they weren't even there?!!

    8.4 years ago
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    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation I am pretty sure you would be like that bird on the far right...... no offense.

    8.4 years ago
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    @PyrusEnderhunter Not Really, Alien life isn't new to Awwam or the other Factions.

    8.4 years ago
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    @PyrusEnderhunter We aren't banned, a new Space Treaty is set to be made

    8.4 years ago
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    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation I bet if they accidentally crash into your space and get spotted by the people, it'll cause a panic worse than the red scare and Black Death combined.

    8.4 years ago
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    @PyrusEnderhunter k

    8.4 years ago
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    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation Wait. I thought you were banned from space....

    8.4 years ago
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    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation They are not coming. Not for another 100 years at least......

    8.4 years ago
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    @PyrusEnderhunter Wow that sucks, You Basically lost your earth colony, Awwam will declare war on the Promethean's if we see them in our space.

    8.4 years ago
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    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation Plus. The I.S.F.O.S is so advanced because they were helped by a species called the prometheans. The only planet where humans don't co-exist with them is Earth.

    8.4 years ago
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    @PyrusEnderhunter Meh, Two less issues we have to worry about.

    8.4 years ago
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    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation The I.S.F.O.S was not behind the TGLA attack. That was their own personal doing. Why do you think I tried to use a nano-weapon to exterminate them? The fight was personal.

    8.4 years ago
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    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation And so the TGLA was not a setup. The reason they surrendered is because they realized that: if they can destroy the I.S.F.O.S, then we're next.....

    8.4 years ago
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