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ATC Stalkers: The Beginnings

48 kingofcreepers  8.5 years ago

One morning, pilots waking up about to drive to work. Air traffic controlers ready to change shift, and they did not know about, the ATC Stalkers.
they would jailbreak there radios and listened to the voices of them, finding what strangeness and a different world could arrive, of ATC Mania.

They listened and Listened for the funniest. so here we go.

Episode 1: The Morning Air Traffic Jam

ATC: nice morning is it?
Pilot: Good Day!! (angrily)
ATC: That's rude.
Pilot: no, its a greeting,
ATC: what's your ID?
Pilot: IC10, on French Airways (in a french accent)
ATC, Here, we say Good Morning, IC10.
Pilot2, 3, 4: We all here you, you are causing a traffic jam on these taxi ways!
(indistinct chatter)
ATC: Move, Move IC10!, i already gave you permission!
Pilot2, 3: Finally!
Pilot 2, 3, ATC (all at once): wait why is D9B6 not moving (Pilot4)

(In D9B6) fuzzy fade in: (hello, hello, are you there?) (Pilot4: Wha???) Copilot4: Wake up, you've stayed on the taxiway for 20 minutes, there is only 3 taxi ways to the runways!

And kids, thats why when you become a pilot, don't fall asleep.