So,im working on a plane,and the designer started to be laggy.And when i say laggy i say that i must wait some minutes to place a part or even more when i try to save/mirror it.I dont know how many part it has but im sure its under 250.My graphics are on low and so is the resolution.Any tips?
@Gestour ye
@FrankieAir ...
You should mirror your parts one at a time. @FrankieAir
@Packman126 nah,im a noob so build something and mirrored too many times.
Graphics low??? Hmmmmmmmm well I worked on an aircraft with about 1200 prices but I never uploaded it (it was horrible) . Do you play on iOS because that lags loads.
Nvm, the mirror tool bugged out.Infact i mirrored so many times that i had 16k parts