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Help on making a helicopter?

822 Crdguy  8.5 years ago

I've tried and tried to make a helicopter. I've tried trimming, vtol rcn, etc. How do people stabilise their helicopters like that? (and yes, CoM, CoT and CoL are all in a very close, if not exact place)

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    I will share a helicopter (modified)

    2.6 years ago
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    2.6 years ago
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    Did you try using a weak gyroscope?

    4.3 years ago
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    3,535 KADNIKARTS

    4.4 years ago
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    4.9 years ago
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    822 Crdguy

    @GiuliMBorgesYT this post was made 2 years ago lol, and we didn't have gyros

    +2 6.5 years ago
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    6.5 years ago
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    822 Crdguy

    Had a go.

    8.3 years ago
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    2,636 Phaz3Shift

    @Crdguy The Blasto VTOL engine doesn't do anything but allow the RCN's to work, although it can affect the helicopter's tilt just because it's heavy. The only things to worry about when adding the Blasto VTOL are just if putting it on will make the helicopter too heavy to fly or if it throws the CoM off. The RCN's are what actually cause the helicopter to tilt, and placing them does affect how the helicopter handles. The further an RCN is away from the CoM, the greater torque it has. Basically, just put the Blasto VTOL on your design, put some nozzles on it for pitch, roll, and yaw, and balance the whole thing afterward so your CoM is right under your CoT.

    8.3 years ago
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    822 Crdguy

    @Phaz3Shift The mini aircraft collection were all designed without pilot seats. I didn't know that a vtol engine affects how the copter can tilt- is the tilt relative to the position of the vtol?

    8.3 years ago
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    2,636 Phaz3Shift

    @Crdguy Well, I see a few issues. One of them is that for the VTOL RCN's to work correctly, there has to be a Blasto VTOL unit on the machine. Another is that having the hinge rotators on the engines has never worked right (for me at least); it just makes the helicopters unexpectedly roll or pitch too much to be recoverable, from my experience. The last is that there is no way to control this little helicopter from the mini aircraft collection. I would imagine that you have a cockpit attached directly to the helicopters you designed. Pulling the little helicopter off of the collection and finding a place to put a cockpit changes the dynamics and I am not sure I would be correcting the problems you had or just making new ones.

    Based on what I do see with the model, though, I would recommend making one that has a Blasto VTOL unit, no hinge rotators, and a permanently attached cockpit.

    I actually made a YouTube video a while back in which I make a helicopter. It might cover some of the issues you have experienced.

    And here is the helicopter from the video, with some small changes.

    8.3 years ago
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    822 Crdguy

    @Phaz3Shift Take a look at my miniature aircraft collection, an experimental helicopter is there.

    8.3 years ago
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    2,636 Phaz3Shift

    @Crdguy I kind of need to know exactly how it's being uncontrollable. There are a lot of ways it can be having issues... If you uploaded the model (unlisted works fine), then give me a link, I can take a look and see what's happening, perhaps.

    8.3 years ago
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    822 Crdguy

    @Phaz3Shift Problems are with making it controllable in air.

    8.3 years ago
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    2,636 Phaz3Shift

    @Crdguy That's good. I always like seeing what people can do with only what's provided!

    But, what are your designs doing? Are they just spinning out of control? Pitching/yawing/rolling way too much unexpectedly? Based on your post, is your CoT really right at your CoM? If so, move it up a little bit so the mass is basically hanging from the CoT.

    Helicopters are usually tricky to fly, so even if everything is good, that could just be as good as it gets.

    8.3 years ago
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    822 Crdguy

    @Phaz3Shift Standard props, non-modded.

    8.3 years ago
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    2,636 Phaz3Shift

    Looks like the post is a little old. Not sure if you've solved it yet, but just in case...

    What are your helicopter designs doing when flying?

    8.5 years ago
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    822 Crdguy

    @TrainDude Will look.

    8.5 years ago