I would just like to say thank you to all of my followers and all my fellow SP players for getting me to 2k and for 16 followers, who are helping me get better at SP.
A special shout-out to @Booster456 for all his helpful advice, tips, SP secrets, and encouragement. Thank You!
Another shout-out to @corsair013 and @TrainDude for just being awesome and upvoting and encouraging me.
I hope to get better at SP and give all you SP players more great planes and inventions.
Thank you!
I am happy. You are awesome.
@Booster456 ok cool.
U have to be 13 otherwise you can get kicked out + there are some creeps on this site
@Booster456 thanks! and why can't i tell mah age?
@GT3TobyRS Becaue your a SP friend : )
@Booster456 ur welcome
@Booster456 why?
@GT3TobyRS Congrats Man happy to see that I have been a good help!
@GT3TobyRS BTw way dont mention your age in bio PS U spose to be 13 or above
@Nexus24680 thanks!
@TrainDude @Booster456 @corsair013