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0 spotnick  8.5 years ago

So after browsing the "Airplanes" section of this site. It is obvious that most "good" builds use mods. How can a game that has so many mod users not have a mod list on this site? I mean a real mod list. Not 3 mod related sections that don't have mods. Or if they do they are not easy to find. Also if modding is such a big thing then why not implement steam workshop? I only recently bought this game and have only been browsing the site for 15-20 mins. But it's very clear that some work needs to be done to make this site, and this game, community friendly. Like having a dedicated place for mods. With clear indication of what the mod is. I am interested in using mods just not sure where to get them. Thank you for your time.

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    @spotnick if you're interested in learning how to xml mod I could give you a rundown on the basics. But that would depend on what platform and OS you're using.

    8.5 years ago
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    @TheLatentImage Ah my mistake. I guess I'm so used to games using mods haha. So it's mainly editing xml files. Interesting. I'll have to read the forums more. Thanks mate.

    8.5 years ago
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    Most of the builds on this site are created without mods. Many users do edit the xml files of their designs so as to achieve the desired effect. A lot of users also use the fine tuner/scale tool created by @HellFireKoder. It is quite handy and I reccomend it.

    There are some actual mods available, but most of those are game play mods that allow for new sandbox maps, lights, smoke trails, etc.

    I don't have links to any of the mods unfortunately. Perhaps some other users will take the opportunity to post some of those links here for you.

    8.5 years ago